
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Wall E

I went to watch Wall E last Friday with a bunch of people. It was a 9:40pm show.

This is what I gotta say about the movie. I find the first part of the story interesting. Especially the bunny. Earth as "city of trash" and Wall E's construction with cubicle trashes are amazing. Oh, I do think Eve is great too. And the part when Wall E takes care of Eve when "she" shuts down is really cute. But, here's the thing, towards the end of the movie, I nearly fall asleep. I don't know whether that part of the storyline bores me or I'm uber sleepy. I can't seem to make sense. But, I gotta say too that I love the ending. I mean the part where they closes with Peter Gabriel's song, Down To Earth. That's absolutely awesome! Well except the part where the cinema staff turns it off! GG!

People have their own opinion of this movie, and I'm one of those who's not really into it. But, the soundtrack is still awesome!

Lets just enjoy the song.

I don't even know how I'm gonna rate this *sigh~ I'm just not feeling it =_=" sorry people. For those who still wanna watch it, go ahead. Don't let my review stop you from watching this. Till the next post. Thanks for reading.


  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I rate WALL-E. The idea behind the story was superb, what we could do to mother nature, is definitely worrying.

    Unfortunately, my movie experience was spoiled by 2 horny malay couples sitting around Mel & I. That spawned my blog post on it. :-P

  2. dan: lol omg! @_@ *checking it out XD

  3. I haven't watched it, BUT I WANT TO! I hear that there's absolutely no dialogue in the movie. Is that true?

  4. perry: not much dialogue, XD well if you count robot talk as dialogue XD go watch go watch!!! XD

  5. i can feel a strong moral value here.. i wanna watch it..

  6. go watch it XD the ending theme is awesome! XD

  7. Anonymous2:20 PM

    will my 4 yrs son like it? He likes the previous Ironman.. but not like the transformer.. so.. my kind of weird.
    If not that good.. i just wait for the DVD lah.. :D

  8. papaJ, different people different opinion. I think kids would love it? Hey it's educational XD Love your planet! XD Go captain planet *cough cough

  9. Macam inda kiut gia this robot. I'll wait patiently till Astro shows this. Yeah, me is very the stingy! LOL!

  10. nessa, it is cute, i mean wall e is cute.. XD hahahahahah *rofl

  11. Alamak, I so ketinggalan this! I want to watch pun belum sempat. Biarlah wait until keluar next year on TV lah. Hehehe

  12. Dunno what and how to comment la... The movie is a bit monotonous la even though the robot is totally CUTEEEEEE...

    p.s. I'd rather watch Kung Fu Panda... Can hardly stop myself from staring at the eyes... They look so realistic... :P

  13. rozie: lol XD yeah inda lama kluar di tv tu XD

    dave-lynne: yeah i know wut u mean XD it's not as funny as kung fu panda coz it's way too cute XD

  14. Anonymous10:12 AM

    mas, at least kau ingat the jalan betul! Next time i will just tembak the people tengok la..sia geram!

  15. waaaaa sedapnya itu makanan...kalau sudah kenyang boleh lapar balik ni :D

  16. mel: yeah i was paying attention but i nearly doze off XD

    angriani: XD yeah
