
Friday, September 05, 2008

It'll pass~

I'm in the state of wanting to curse so badly.  But I can't.

The company changed to a new fax machine yesterday.  The thing I didn't know that the person who switch the fax machine is dumb.  *sigh.  I got this gutsie feeling that the reason for dc is caused by that switch, but did anyone listen to wut I said? NO!  GG.  There I was, blaming tmNUT (reason being coz they owez screw the line and my colleague buzzing me about the internet so often that I had to do report with that retarded technical support people). 

The whole dc thing extended to my home line.  That one I have no idea wut was the problem.  I was complaining indeed.  *sigh.

*refrains self.

There, reason for lack of update =_="

There it was again today, the same problem, my colleague went to make another report but she couldn't understand what the technical support person was talking about, hence, I have to talk to that technical person again.  But the funny thing was, the person was talking in malay.  I don't have problem talking in malay, but the thing is, I can auto speak in English somehow.  In the end, the person who was talking in Malay had to reply me in English.  Poor fellow.

Still couldn't resolve the problem, my colleague decided to plug out the fax cable, guess what?  I can online.  GG

Yes, this whole post is confusing and messy.  I'm tense.  That's why.  Cursing helps but I can't curse.  =_="


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    print muka dia tu n stab with knife!!!

  2. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Auto-English? Leaded or Unleaded? :-P

    Dont worry, WIMAX is coming soon to KK...hopefully Tele-scum Malaysia dont get involve in it...

  3. Takpe, I'll curse and cuss them on your behalf ... hehehe ...

    Take it ok, it's Friday already, the weekends here, just a couple of hours to go ... patience, patience ... :D

  4. JoJ: *tarik napas~~~ *inhale~ exhale~~~

    sotong: YAHHHH!!!!! kasi sulak!

    Dan: super unleaded hahahahahah XD *rofl. *pray, oh please god, please grant me with speedy connection to the net T_T

    nick: thanks *hugs. Oh yes, I'm gonna have heaps of fun tomolo, no doubt about it! XD

  5. I think someone silap plug in the wires into the proper outlet.

    Bah, sabar k... tarik napas... hembus napas... buat 10 kali! :P

  6. relax massy *kipas kipas massy*

  7. welcome to the real world.. relax ko sana mas.. come have a drink..

  8. mas,

    Can be so frustrating kan sumtimes..hehe

  9. massy....write the curses on paper...besar2 with capital letters...buli kah like that? hehe

  10. nessa: thanks T_T

    amy c: thank yew T_T

    justine: trying hard to relax

    gina: yeah, i dunno wut's wrong with this streamyx *sigh

    chegu: XD hahahahah gewd idea~

  11. aunty. remember the last you wanted to curse but you didn't (couldn't)? terus you own the game.

    so maybe if you tahan this one, you'd pawn the fax machine?

  12. uncle..i pwn the fax machine man XD
