
Monday, September 29, 2008

September Baby

My sleeping hours is so screwed that I overslept today. @_@"" Gosh! And I have to pick my sis up from work! *sigh. *head spinning.

But it's a good thing that I'm at home, I get to edit and blog about yesterday's surprise birthday party that Fara and the geng planned for Rina and Robin hehe. Anyways, I helped out with the invites for CSP forumers part. I have no idea how many people I've invited but I manage to gather around 27 confirm people and 5-6 people who wanted to chip in. Mass PMed for 3-4 days and for 4 times (I think). No I have no intention to spam anyone's PM ogie!

But the turn out was GREAT! Initially Impy reserved around 55 seats at NewYork NewYork 1Borneo, we (me, cube and IRT) went there early and added 5 more seats. We went for "break fasting" at Nelson's kiosk. Dim sum was great! Enuff to fill em stomach till the time to meet up with everyone else at NYNY at around 7pm. We went there around nearly 7pm. We were having some trouble deciding where we should sit.

It's definitely a great turn out. Most of the forumers came before 7pm. I'm not sure of the total no. of people who came though. It's major!!!!

Anyways, my bro, IRT and me had the Giant Yankee Burger. It was so big that it killed my appetite the moment I saw it. I can't even finish quarter of that thing. Yeah my appetite totally spoiled. We had chicken. The taste was ogie. I want cheese!!!! Sakuya chan gave me some teriyaki chicken and wedges that she ordered. OH! That tasted way better! I want that the next time I go there. I think I lost track of time as I slowly tried to finish my portion of burger, while my bro helped me with taking photos of people. The cake was out around 7:45pm. There's 2 chocolate moist cake and 1 Giant Yankee Burger. @_@""" Gewd luck!

Rina's birthday gift from us. The Wall E plushie! And Eve plushie from her sisters.

There's some funny incident but what happens there, stays there XD I won't further embarrass people.

Uncle tried to kill himself LOL. Well not really LOL. The "lemon" look.

Panja kena bully

Group photo! Too bad some left early. *cries. This is not the actual amount who came! T_T

A whole lotsa photo here (Album 1) and here (Album 2).

DAME DESU!!!! *cross hand (massy blames kana for this, can't get enuff)

We were at Boo Boo Land till nearly 10pm. They were playing Air Hockey. Those people are crazy! Seriously!

vs! fight!

Fara was on one of the ride XD

Left for yamchar at Inanam with uncle till before midnite. I was editing the photos till 3am. And overslept XD

Last but not least, Happy Birthday to dori!!!

Ahhh~ now I can relax @_@ 200 over photos is crazy~


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Dang, that looked like fun! Wish I was there, would've barged in uninvited...hehehehe!

  2. Dan: bulih bah kalau ko!

  3. LolZ...... I missed out the fun. :( Aiya....... Did u guys think of me where u guys playing in the Boo Boo Land??? Wakakakakakk...........

  4. Dropping by to wish you a Selamat Hari Raya. Send some lemang and ketupat my way, ok ... LOL!

  5. boo: aiya why u can't make it? I PM u oso mar?

    nick: thanks! XD will do if i have any...i eat on ur behalf oso can bah XD

  6. mas: teda transport bah... owez mo tumpang kat urang pun malu juga.....

  7. i walked round 1Borneo the other day but can't find this new york, new york...sebelah mana bah ni???

  8. boo: alah ...

    perry: ground floor, u know where's starbucks? same row

  9. i wanna try that burger.. maybe during 2nd of Aidilfitri with Rafi.. sometimes i have to read quick all the post here on ur blog coz the foods really makes my mouth watered during this month of Ramadhan.. lapar sia ba massy.. uwaaaaaaaa...

  10. Ooh, burger looks mean... mesti sedap kan :D

    I noticed banyak betul food postings... pagi2 sia lapar suda ni... hehe.

    Btw, wanna wish you and your famili a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!!

  11. SELAMAT HARI RAYA & MAKAN2 MASSY... don't forget to bring ur camera if u going out

  12. aj: hahahahahah sabar..separuh drpd iman XD *rofl...yosh! selamat ari raya aj!!!!

    nessa: thanks! *hugs.. yeah my blog banyak makanan XD sorry

  13. Massy,Selamat Hari Raya. Fara looks scared but masih comel. LOL.

  14. mell: selamat ari raya XD yeah XD
