
Monday, October 06, 2008

Long holiday, now BACK TO WORK!!!

I've been abandoning my blog within this holiday season. I'm not that tired, I'm just occupied with stuff. I apologize. I'll do some blog hopping when I'm done with this post.

Ahhh, the 1st day of raya post should be on the 2nd day of raya but I went to friend's open house. I totally forgot about my ex-colleague's open house on 3rd day of raya coz I was at another friend's house and it was boardgame marathon night. Before I start with my 1st day raya post, which is gonna be uber long. I'll start with boardgame marathon at uncle's house.

It was a Saturday. I think in my head, there's only chocolate cake and boardgame marathon (yes, I was in dire need of Runebound and Arkham Horror boardgame). I drove to Putatan for a friend's open house, I think I reached there around 7pm-ish. I had mee rebus! *slurps~ But there's no chocolate cake T_T Nooooooooo!!!! My bro's friend's mum make the tastiest chocolate cake ever! *slurps~ Ahhh the prawns were too tempting, it started to itch after awhile XD (eat em meds). Boardgame starts at 10pm. But we were late XD my bad.

I reached uncle's place at around 11pm-ish I think. We started with a round of Betrayal boardgame for the newbs. So much fun! Some of them left early after 1 round of that game. We started a round of Runebound right after. I think this session is the longest session ever!!!! My dice roll sucks. T_T I can't remember till what time we ended the game. 6am maybe. I was at uncle's place till 7am that's for sure.

I went back home, wash my face and feel and slept till 4pm. XD and I was suppose to meet my bro around 7pm at 1borneo for NYNY. LOL~

No photos sorry.

Not only that, I got the flu and my throat is sore @_@ Ohhh all the delicious fewd. It's killing my throat now.

Anyways, back to my 1st day of raya post.

I was up late at nite. I think I stayed up till 3 or 4am? From playing Maple Story. I think. I can't remember. But mum woke me up around 8am. Geez, I wanted to sleep longer. Me and my sis made some apple crumble the night before. Well she did most of the baking. 4 trays of it. XD

The fewds! There's more but I didn't take XD

Fellow CSPians came around 11am. Was at my house till 3pm. We went to IRT's house around that time and proceed to Ali G's house around 6pm. Well I reach there around 7pm-ish or was it 8pm? @_@

Lotsa funny things happen on that day.

they become mobs, uncle mmg ketua mob

sesi tarik baju

sesi promote air bandung

Overall it was a fun and tiring day. More photos, here.

How's your raya?

Anyways, thanks everyone for the raya wishes. Sorry it took me awhile to reply em.


  1. waw ya oh rainer memang ketua mob

  2. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Oh my...look at the food....*WIPES DROOL*

  3. arine: LOL

    Dan: how was ur raya? did u get urself bloated?

  4. nyum, nyum....any leftovers ka?

  5. nick: LOL

    perry: leftovers? apple crumble bulih buat bah XD yang lain haf to wait next round XD

  6. Welcome back babe! :) Glad you had tons of fun!! The makanan all looks so so so the sedap!!!

  7. rozie next time come my house! XD i wanna open house for bloggers XD
