
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday Update

A continuance to my previous entry. What's going on Sunday. After that "big" breakfast I had at Green Park Cafe, me and bro (cubex) went to meet IRT at 1Borneo around 3pm. Actually we played Maple Story for awhile before going out. We were invited to Fara's house for hari raya open house that nite, since parking would be a problem, I decided to follow my bro early. I somehow got a headache from all that sleep lacking. We went to Boo Boo Land for Air Hockey. They actually have 2 extra air hockey table. A different kind. 2 manual types one, 1 for adult and the other one for kids. Not as fun though coz you don't get to hit as much pucks.

We also went to Daiso but there aren't anything that I wanted to buy at that time. We thought of going to Green Park Cafe for dinner but they close at 6pm. Instead, we went to Putatan, Jati Tom Yam (next to KFC) for dinner (just in case the fewd run out at Fara's place XD). The tom yam is highly recommended by my bro and his gf. Especially the Tom Yam Udang (Shrimp). The fewd we had.

Since it's still early, we went to Servey Putatan to check out some stuff. There's this row of RM4.90 japanese items. Kinda like Daiso's concept. But I think it's kewl. I wanted to get ankle length socks. But it cost RM7.90 each. The ones at Sox World is selling for RM6.90 but I didn't like the material. Didn't get anything though *sigh. I want em socks! T_T

We were there till around 8:30pm till we decided to proceed to Fara's house.

CROWDED!!! I think we were there for an hour or so. Took some photos. I can't be seen here! Noooooooooooo I'm totally covered! T_T I'm next to uncle actually *cries. Check out her blog post here.

My bro left with his gf and her sisters early. I followed uncle's car. We went yamchar at Lintas, I didn't bring my key so my bro stayed up for me hehe. It's nearly midnite. I guess I had too much tea or my sleeping hours is totally screwed that I ended sleeping at 3am.

I dislike Monday!!!

Everything was pretty boring. I started playing Castlevania: Portrait of Ruins on DS. Oh this is such a fun game!

My parents aren't back yet. We went to Karamunsing after work yesterday coz I wanted to get a DVD drive. I bought the DVD drive that I wanted and a MP3 transmitter? for my car. That cost me around RM39 for the MP3 transmitter and RM68 for the DVD drive. OMG! I saw this cute logitech mouse that have zebra prints on it! I want!!!! *cries.

We were planning to eat pizza for dinner but the place is close. Instead we went to Usagi Japanese Restaurant. There's a halloween promotion there. We had Hot Plate at RM15.00. Normal price at RM38.80. I love it!!!! Worth every $$. Check out my rave here.

the hot plate set comes with steamed rice and miso soup

here. a close up.

I'm a bit disappointed with the sushi.

I promised uncle that I would go to his house around 8PM last nite for Citadels (uncle just bought this). I've blogged about this game before last February, click here. I nearly don't wanna go coz I dislike that game. LOL. That game is way stressful! XD

New, still fresh from the box. Uh oh, the one we played at CarcaSean, the character card doesn't have color. This one do. Waw pretty X3.

Starting of the game. You'll be given 2 Strepsils *cough I mean Gold.

The first player with the king piece start first

Expansion characters.

Build 8 district to end the game. Player with most points wins the game!!!!

But I ended up liking it becoz there was some GG expansion cards and character there. And yes, it's still stressful but fun! We played for less than 2 hours. Me and bro (cubes) had to leave early coz I need sleep.

Reached home, tried the multiplayer for Castlevania. I need to boost my level for single player so I get more kewl weapons!

We played Maple Story for an hour or so LOL. I ended sleeping at 1am coz of Maple Story OMG! Well at least I got a pumpkin mask! MWAHHAHAHA!!


  1. USAGI!!! T_T

    I'm not used with that castlevania's artwork @_@;;;

  2. arine: hot plate X3 oishii~~~

  3. fewd! fewd! fewd!~~~ :D

    how come u eat alto n never gumuk one?! kekekeke...

  4. amy: inda gumuk? @_@ I AM GUMUK T_T tsk tsk tsk T_T

    uh but the hot plate sedap oh

  5. Usagi still on promotion kah??

    I wan to serbu dat place... :D

  6. amy yeap. it's new promotion for halloween. ada lagi others saba fish for RM15 oso, then oyako don for er lupa XD kakakak go there go there XD uh i want another hot plate XD

  7. i can still see u bah in that pic. tapi kecikkk betul la. but still can see! hehehe..

  8. syura: I'm not sure if that's me or my brother hahahahahah XD coz he wore a spectacle oso that nite XD I am confused XD

  9. about the pic...i can see u massy but only part of ur head...i mean hald of it...kekekekekekekekeeee. so sot today..sorry...gomenasai... >.0

  10. amy: LOL yeah kicik bah tu gambar, I can't tell if dat's me or my bro ni XD

  11. oittttt...yummmyyylioussss sungguh

    lapar laaaaaaa XD

  12. angriani: ur blog oso bikin lapar XD
