
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday Update

Thinking for a title could be hard sometimes, hehe. I'm sure everyone have the same problem.

Lets start with last nite's Runebound boardgame session. The players this time, me, uncle, uncle's sis (rach), his neighbour (Iwan ka his name? or izzit Irwan? blurs) and sotong (who arrived late). The first few rounds was way too depressing. We "dieded" (died) so many times. Dice roll sucks that day. Seriously! My luck changed when sotong arrive. Oh hail the sotong GGness. @_@""

Oh yeah, I used a different character this time. The gewd thing about this character is, I need 1 less experience point to level up. MWAHHAHAHAHAHAH. I feel gewd~

Here's my ending character, experience and equipments. I manage to kill 1 monster from the white deck, I died trying to defend myself in killing the 2nd one @_@""" 6 life WTH!!! It's unfair! T_T

But overall I win the game hehe. I wanna try the other character. UNCLE!! RUNEBOUND BOARDGAME EXPANSION!!! WHEN U FREE? I wanna play! XD

I had Singapore Chicken Rice at Karamunsing for lunch. The chicken looks nice in this shot rite? Well it doesn't taste that great. I mean the gravy is tasteless. Not unless you add chili, ketchup and garlic, then only it's gewd enuff for my taste bud.

My bro was all excited about fresh springrolls selling at 4th floor Palm Square of Center Point Sabah. Located next to Kobe Cream Puff kiosk. 1 piece cost RM2.70. I'm not a big fan of fresh spring rolls but this is absolutely tasty. The taste reminds me of fried springrolls dipped into chili paste! *drools~ and not fond of em peanuts.

Ahhh, finally a chance to try the Kobe Cream Puff. 1 piece cost RM2.60. Ogie, it's my first time eating cream puff from Japan. So I don't really know what to compare with. I think the taste is ogie. Not too sugarly sweet which is fine for me. So yeah, that's about it.

that's how big it is

a bit hard to tear it into half @_@

inside filled with cream

Meanwhile, there's a big HU-HA about being invaded by bunneh~ LOL (reminds me when CSP turned lemon for a day).

Bunneh sure is cute.

Last but not least, my bro asked me to listen to a song by Oasis called I'm outta time. I'm addicted to it @_@"""

Lyrics (copied from the above video link):

Here's a song
It reminds me of when we were young
Looking back at all the things we've done
You gotta keep on keepin' on

Out to sea
Is the only place I am asleep
Can get myself some piece of mind
You know it's getting hard to fly

If I'm to fall
Would you be there to applaud
Or would you hide behind them all
Because If I am to go
In my heart you grow
And that's where you belong

If I'm to fall
Would you be there to applaud
Or would you hide behind them all
Because If I am to go
In my heart you grow
And that's where you belong

If I'm to fall
Would you be there to applaud
Or would you hide behind them all
Because If I am to go
In my heart you grow
And that's where you belong


Aight now I'm done with my post. There goes my sleeping early plan. LOL. Maybe tomorrow XD Nitey~


  1. wah,the kobe cream puff looks tasty. huhu. lapar.

  2. i tasted the kobe puff redi, man it taste like nothing special...kehkehkeh...but still ok lar..i haven't taste the springroll yet..good kah? how tasty issit?

  3. mell: XD yeah the taste is ok. not too sweet.

    amy: yeah teda umph tu cream puff tapi ok la the taste. springroll sedap!!! my bro love it, he give it 5 star rating out of 5. I give it erm maybe 4 coz I dun like peanut and i prefer it fried XD

  4. Wow, you guys sure do play a lot of board games huh? Looks like fun though :D

  5. Nick: yeah, I turned into a boardgame geek @_@ OMG~ but it's all fun! XD that runebound boargame have around 20 expansions. @_@ crazy!

  6. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Damnit... Haven't got the chance to play the new Runebound expansion yet. :-S

  7. impy: thursday we're playing XD
