
Wednesday, October 29, 2008


If you are trying to get to and got the above message instead, don't panic. There's nothing wrong with your browser or anything. Notice the constant error messages these past few months? Yes, there's too much activity going on around the forum that our current host couldn't take it. The forum will be down for the time being and hopefully will be up and running on Friday (worst comes to worst, maybe till next week)

Good news is, WE'RE MOVING TO A NEW HOME!!!! Hope to serve you better! Thanks to dxtremex XD *peace~

Meanwhile, you guys can buzz me through msn or my blog.

Thank yew very much. Stay tuned and keep on supporting CSP! FOR HOBBYCON 2008!!!!


  1. You know what? I've never had problems with the other famous forums I actively visit every single day and it's even more active than CSP with people from around the world accessing it 24/7. I'm evidently surprised that CSP, a local website can't take the pressure. But I'm glad we're back online..

  2. sadly to say, we're not making money by putting up the forum, we're doing it F.O.C and we're not rich ppl, we can't afford a better server. sorry for the inconvenience caused.

  3. yap very sorry
    now we are paying RM6,000+ a year
    some are pocket money from kind CSP members

    It is not small amount...

  4. Yeah and it's because the other forums are popular which makes them able to be access with no problem lol... XD But seriously I've been to popular sites too and they also down sometimes... maybe you're just lucky didn't visit their site when they are down.

  5. I never come across server without a problem. Very keng oh. No problem server, I oso want.
