
Friday, November 28, 2008

Especially for Mell_f

I'm gonna have a quick post today.

This post is specially dedicated to Mell_f.

From your earlier question about Toro and Kuro's face expression.  Here's the answer for your question *giggles.

So lets start with Toro's face.

These are the no. of different facial expression for Toro. 

Detached (with body).

And Kuro.

Notice Kuro only have 4 facial expression?  That's coz there's 2 version of Toro.

Well, that's pretty much it.  See I told you guys this is a short post.  Thanks for reading!  And I'm sorry I haven't been blog hopping a lot lately.  I promise I'll blog hop more often soon.  Soon, maybe after HobbyCon *giggles.


  1. *giggles*

    Detachable mask pulak..i thought kena lukis. lol.

    Toro must be a female coz she has more expressions than again

    Thanks Massy :)

  2. Mell: LOL, Toro is not a she XD *rofl XD I think it's not hahahaha omg i haf no idea XD

  3. They're both males.

    .. I'm not sure how did I know that but I know they're both are males.

  4. I think Toro is a she, because it has this round shape pink/orange color at the cheek.. Mcm pakai blusher..LOL
