
Monday, November 03, 2008

I bruise easily ...

Yeap you guys heard me. This is the outcome from playing Air Hockey. Well, you could grip the air hockey mallet or you could use the common technique of holding it like this.

Well, smart massy actually likes to use the common way of how people hold the air hockey mallet so yeah massy did. But here's the outcome of holding it this way.

Well it's not that bad. I mean it only hurt during that time. It doesn't hurt at this moment, it's just all purplely. I mean it'll take roughly 2 days to recover, so yeah. Oh did I told you besides of bruising easily, it also heals easily I mean fast. So, yeah, it's not really a problem.

And that's pretty much done to what bruising is about. But on another note, since I've been bz thinking about stuff @_@" one shouldn't be allowed to think so much at one time, seriously. Erm, not really the point anyways, I was actually gonna introduce you guys to a new anime called Toradora.


Despite Ryūji Takasu's gentle personality, his eyes make him look like an intimidating delinquent so he is utterly hopeless about his chances of getting a girlfriend anytime soon, and does not have many close friends either. After being greeted by his hungover mother in the morning, Ryūji goes to school and is happy to find that he gets to be in the same class as his best friend Yūsaku Kitamura and crush Minori Kushieda. However, it is then that he unexpectedly knocks into "the school's most dangerous animal of the highest risk level" — Taiga Aisaka — who just happens to also be in his class, and is a good friend of Minori.

This is the description I got from crunchyroll. I like this anime coz the female character Taiga reminds me of Shana from Shakugan no Shana X3 I rike very much!

Oh yeah you guys can watch it via crunchyroll, here. Currently it's at episode 5, so you're not missing that much. But if you have no patience and wanted to watch in 1 go? Wait till the series finish then watch it hehehe *giggles.

I'm gonna go on watch episode 3 now. XD

Oh yeah, before I forgot, HAPPY BIRTHDAY YB ZAINI!!!


  1. wahh so purple your finger @_@ ouch

  2. whoa! your finger is purple!!! ouch! hope that it'll get better soon. *patpat*

  3. arine: it doesn't hurt one big XD well except if you put pressure on it XD LOL

    serena: thanks, but it doesn't hurt, the color just need to erm turn back to normal XD *giggles

  4. Anonymous8:30 PM

    (o__O") The colour of the bruise reminded me of pandan-flavoured ice-cream.

  5. hangmen: pandan flavored ice cream? @_@ oh i would like some of those XD

  6. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Aiyoyoyo..dat serious ah???bruised so badly....u have to rajin2 urut so it got back to its normal color.. take good care of urself gurl! =)

  7. amy: will do, no worries bah XD

  8. tapi...don't overdose on the urut, nanti drop off your finger dat!

  9. perry: O.O!!! drop off? eeks~ no wai~

  10. first time aku tengok jari bengkak macam ni. :)

  11. saiful: it ain't that bad this time. I mean it was painful the first time and the color look more purplish, this time slightly numb the feeling of pain XD it's recovering, no worries XD

  12. Adui..i used to get that very often during secondary school. netball punya pasal. It should be ok by few days tu ;)

  13. euwwwww euwwwwwww to the finger!

  14. mell: yeah I'll just leave it to heal by itself

    uncle: *smack. astaga...

  15. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Dang, you do bruise easily, I bet you recover easily too! :-)

  16. dan: i do, i really do recover easily too XD

  17. *Gasp* ur bruise looks pretty bad!!

  18. Anonymous3:34 PM

    waa...your bruise looks scary la...

  19. kadus_mama: it's not dat bad XD it's all brown now XD

    emelda: XD no it's not @_@""" it's just funny looking XD

  20. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Wahhh.. looks painful pulak!

  21. cin: it's not as painful as it looks actually ^^;;;

  22. Ouch, that is bad. Hope it heals soon.

  23. cian jari ko...meh sia urut pakai belacan..ngee hee hee....or cili padi pun sya dengar best jgak..ekekek

  24. xander: itu teda kerja tu mo urut pakai belacan/chili padi
