
Monday, November 17, 2008

Kana sama's BBQ + Birthday Party

kanariya / amber had made an invite to all CSPians in the forum less than 2 weeks before the actual date to a BBQ party at her place on Saturday the 15th Nov 2008. I only manage to blog about it today, sorry. Panja, hamsters not working bah *sigh. A total of 27 people confirm their attendance for that day, but guess what? I think the total no. of people during that night? Could reach 40. Or it did? I have no idea. It's like a massive party somehow.

Anyways, lemme make everything short. Marsie, Fara and me had planned for a surprise birthday cake with all the CSPians. New York Cheese Cake from Secret Recipe. We sort of figure that she might get more cake but er I think she got around 3 -4 cakes that night. WAW~

I went to a morning jog that day around 6am. Erm, overslept. And my bro and 2nd sis were not up too. OMG! Those 2 sloths! After our jog, we went to Damai for Tenom Mee. Well, in between going to and when we were there, me and my bro were smsing people. LOL. I think we were high. Fresh air makes us high. XD I think we only do it after our morning jog. Since the house still under a partial electricity capability, I wasn't able to wash my clothes with the washing machine. No choice, I had to hand wash it. OMG the HORROR! That's one tiring experience. 1 week ++ worth of clothes OMG! But thank gawd by noon (electricity still running on low capacity), I manage to connect the power socket and get the washing machine to work. Thank gawd!

My bro was suppose to meet up with his gf and some friends for a dance rehearsal around noon but postponed it till 3pm. I followed him coz I didn't wanna drive for kana's party. Parking would probably be a problem. Well, that's wut I thought. We were the 2nd to reach to her house around before 7pm.

My target: Tuna Onigiri!!!!

There's only 10 available tuna onigiri mwahhahahah! XD I got 1 of it weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

sakuya and chiaki chan also got their half of tuna onigiri XD

The fewd!! This is way enough for everybody.

We raided her room. Drooling experience. Though I didn't get any shot of it, invasion of privacy XD

Played a half round of Betrayal.

Celebrated her birthday early.

Another surprise cake from CSPians.

More photos, here.

LOL my bro planned to go home early but, instead, we were there till midnight. Bummer.

Overall it's a great party! Thanks kana sama for inviting us! *hugs + hearties*


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Tuna Onigiri...

  2. Panja: sorry. Didn't save u some. @_@"""

  3. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Man I miss BBQ-ing!

  4. OMG! Punya banyak makanan!! Bagi sikit? ;)

  5. nessa: wahhh nice avatar XD anyways, yes, banyak makanan, it's crazy!!! XD more ppl more ppl! XD
