
Saturday, January 03, 2009

New Year 2009 Celebration

I know I'm a little slow in updating my blog lately. I have been very I mean very very lazy. I know I did something but most of it aren't as motivating so most of the time I guess I've been sleeping or watching tv. OMG! I think I didn't jog for more than 2 weeks. *blames the holiday.

Oh yeah, notice some changes with the blog? Please ignore the color for the time being. I'm gonna make more changes soon. When I'm not this lazy. Oh man.

Anyways, lets get back to the main topic shall we?

Was new year fun? Indeed. There's some slight disappointment on my side but overall it's a great party. We (the CSPians) celebrated at kana's house. Thanks everyone!

Besides being tired that day (tired from walking from different malls). Oh you can't imagine how many places we went to. Oh yeah, and I bought 2 small boxes of MegaHouse miniature tea set. Oh gawd. I should stop spending. What's wrong with me? I seriously don't spend this much. SAVE ME!!!

Oh and did you know there's an "Adult" shop at 3rd floor of CPS (*hint near the arcade)? I mean, is that even possible? @_@ *blurs. They even got the shop tinted.

Ogie enuff, lets see some photos from New Years! XD

New Year's 2009 Resolution (thanks to nichocolate), blaire witch project @_@"""

And countdown from clay.

Uh oh darn it, caught spilling water XD opps~ sorry kana sama.

Photos here.

Uh oh and there's a series of FoF. I think they were at kana's house till 3am. Crazy people!~ XD There's some funny incident too. Hehehe.

I know this post seems messy. Thanks for reading. Yeah something wrong with the processor. @_@"""

I notice my post doesn't reach 300 in my 3 years of blogging. Hmm, will it be possible for me to have 300 post? I doubt that.

Happy New Year 2009 again!


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Adult shop in KK?? I'm all for free speech and all that, but the only thing that comes to mind when finding out about it is OH NO THEY DIDN'T!!

  2. Lorna: oh yes, I was surprise to see it. And the stuff they sell, erm lets just say that it makes u wonder where did they get license to do it @_@

  3. OMG, Where's the shop ah? :)

  4. greg: 3rd floor, cps, near the arcade, or if u know the cafe called olive last time?

  5. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Hey Massy, Happy New Year! I haven't been blogging or online much for the past one year, so it's great to be back! :)

    Although I can enter adult shops, I haven't actually been into one yet, hehe..

  6. huiwen: happy new year!! XD

    omg, being in an adult shop is awkward @_@
