
Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Valentine

Note: I'm sorry if this post is uber long. I'm just pumped to write this long. Thank yew for reading with patience.

I was gonna have a blog post about my dinner last nite with a little of valentine's plan post for the day itself but I was caught up with doing something else that I end up sleeping at 1am. So I thought, hey maybe I should blog on Valentine's Day itself? Hmm, I overslept and didn't get to jog but I think I was up around 8am. Did my usual routine check on the forum, blog/s and facebook.

Played Habbo Hotel for awhile. Did my laundry, cook lunch etc.

But before we get to the part about today. Lemme just post some stuff about the day before.

So, Friday the 13th was the day that me and my sis planned to go to Centre Point (CPS) to get something. My sis wanted to make those stamps but after a discussion with my bro, cubex, we decided to have dinner at 1 Borneo. Well, it's not fun having to cook dinner when you're tired from all the walking or from all the not doing anything at work thing. Well actually more like I spend most of my time at work surfing the net but that make my eyes tired, no doubt about it.

Susy (I hope I spelled her name correctly) from Butterbliz made a special pie. A heart shape pie. Oh I forgot to take a shot of it. Jack did. I'll try to get it from him. I get a taste of it today. I think it's chicken pie. Very tasty! But it's too big for myself, it'd be great if I can share it with everyone else.

Oh yeah here's the actual pies and curry puff from Butterbliz.

I got these photos from Nex btw

Sorry, I tend to jump to different related stories sometimes.

Anyways, we had a hard time picking the things we wanted to eat on Friday for dinner. We actually went to Daiso first. I bought 2 new miniature and some cloth.

Oh!!! Did I mention that I've received my 3 pinky street figures from Series 8? The shipping cost is painful. I should have ordered from the local shop. *sigh. I've learnt my lesson. Or so I think. But don't worry, I'll try to make some time to take photos of them when I'm free.

Here's dinner.

Chicken Rice at RM6 from the fewd court. Additional 50 cents for drumstick.

My rave, here.

Three (3) of us were sort of window shopping and was helping my bro with his gift. Talking about exercise, that's a gewd way to exercise. I mean boy how tiring it is to be walking around 1 Borneo.

There's a new fewd stand!

Hot Roll!

You must be wondering what these are. Paratha Wraps! Yeah, I know, my first impression was, "har? paratha and cheese? what?"

We couldn't help ourselves but to try it eventhough we've already had dinner. But when we saw there's samples of the paratha, we just had to try. Chicken Cheese paratha. Surprisingly it taste really gewd. I mean GEWD!!! Couldn't help ourselves. We bought 2 different flavours. 1 Pizza Paratha that cost RM4.50 and 1 Chicken Cheese Savoury Crispy for RM6.50.

My raves, here.

We left 1 Borneo at around 10pm that nite.

Anyways, on Valentine's Day. I had a card game outing at Butterbliz around 2pm with the CSPians.

They had few rounds of Marriage Material card game. It's funny when somebody loses the game. XD

Remember I talked about a stock exchange card game that looked so complicated that we didn't play last week?

Well guess what? We manage to play it this week. And it's not as hard to play. It's uber fun!!!! I totally love it now! XD

How do you play this game? Simple. This is a trading game. Maximum no. of player is 6. If I'm not mistaken. Each player gets 10 cards. If there's 6 player. You'll get more cards if the no. of players is less.

The players

Anyways, once all the player got their cards, the dealer will place 1 card at the center as the start of the trade. When trade started, players must get the majority no. of cards that they've selected. It's exactly like the stock exchange, chaotic and fast game.

The player who closes the trade gains 5 extra points. The player who holds the max card of a company, they get 2x the no. of cards in hand. But, if the players card is same with the one placed at the center of the trade, he/she is declared bankrupt. Minus points according to the no. of cards in hand.

The game ends when everyone becomes a dealer.

I hope my explanation is not as confusing.

Some shots Jack took of us at Butterbliz playing Wheedle. Notice Nex at the background *cough.

More photos, here.

Here's a video Jack took with his LX3 of us playing Wheedle.

Final score. I lost to "alien" by 1 point. Aiyak~

We were there till 6pm. Thanks to Nex for being such a sport and let us hang out there. I think we were loud. I mean uber loud from all the laffing.

If you're around KK (Kota Kinabalu) and wanted to join our card game session, feel free to drop us a message at the forum, here.

Our plan today was also to play L4D versus. I drove to Citymall after the card game session to have dinner with my bro and his gf at Tenom Station.

I had Sweet and Sour Fish with Rice. Check out the rave, here. It blacked out around 7pm-ish. I was eating in the dark. It wasn't fun. We make jokes about the how romantic it is. Candlelight dinner. *rofl.

Our game session was suppose to start around 8pm but with the current condition, we couldn't help ourselves but to whine. We were hanging out at Arena for quite a bit till we finally decided to find a CC (Cyber Cafe) coz we wanted to play L4D. Since there wasn't any sign of the electricity at Citymall being restored anytime soon.

We went to Powernet after that. We manage to get seats facing each other. I mean for versus mode. We were logged on for few minutes and I was just started shooting zombies when the conection died and we tried to reconnect but that place blackout too.

WTH. That's the suckiest point there. I've waited a week for it and it totally killed my excitement. I wanna blow some zombie brains!!!!!

I think it was nearly 10pm that we decided to go to Fruit Monster, Lintas to yamchar. And yeah, we had some card game session there. We're divided to 2 group. 1 group playing Wheedle and the other play Marriage Material. LOL. We were there till midnite. Gawd. It was still fun but I still wanna blow some zombie brains.

Should I say that the menu at Fruit Monster looks so tempting. And being me, I love cheese, I can't stop looking at it. But I can't eat after 8pm. I must watch my diet. I dislike the flabbiness, I feel fat. Oh yeah, near this place got Luk Luk which only available for supper! WAHHH!!!

Another reason why I should try eat at Fruit Monster next time.

This was Jack's dinner btw. Oh the smell of cheese. I so love. But I notice it's a bit pricey. But yeah.

Anyways, it's almost 4am and I'm feeling uber hungry. I guess I better be sleeping. Oh gawd, I hope I could wake up 3 hours later for the photoshoot. If not, I GG.


  1. awww, well at least you had fun with card games today no?? you guys really laff out LOUD XD

  2. dizzy chan: u should have play with us XD

  3. cuz i see like no place to squeeze in X.x

  4. dizzy chan: alah, we can owez make space XD

  5. lol next time lah then =)

  6. i'm so hungry ... i want foood :D

  7. I tried that hot roll once and then went back and made my own ... hehehe ...

  8. nick: wakkakakakkaka...make me some, with lotsa cheese XD

  9. happy valentine day massy

  10. Aj: happy valentine's day ;)

  11. Perry: ekkekekeke go eat XD

  12. Anonymous2:37 PM

    how come you all can gamble n not get caught ? hehehehehe...

  13. Han, coz we do it at secluded place wakkakaka...ogie dat's a joke..i'm not serious XD
