
Saturday, February 28, 2009


I was at 1 Borneo with my siblings yesterday and my bro spotted this car. THIS IS TOTAL EPICNESS.


Check this out!

I totally leech these shots from my bro.

The owner sure is lucky if the car wasn't stolen. GG. It was left unattended for god knows how long. Coz when we parked and went back to our cars, it's still like that. *rofl.

Another EPIC WIN incident.

Last nite, my dad called my mum and told her that he can't get home. He was indeed pissed. I think he was hungry too and it was 8pm. Why? It got something to do with the lorries again. The lorry is stuck, nobody can get in or out.

I can't seem to find my previous post about the same incident in the mornings. But what's even more EPIC is the part where my dad told us how this troubled a pregnant lady who's in labour. Instead of driving her to the hospital, they had to carry her since no car is able to go out.

Another part to this story is how crazy my sis's connection can be. She got the DBKK and police to the scene. *rofl. Mum asked her workshop friend and he denied that this lorry is one of his clients. So whose it is? Besides, the container that was carried doesn't have a plat no. on it. AHAH! DUN DUN DUN! The plot thickens! Anyways, the police will come again today to check if the lorry still blocking the road.

New rule for the road. NO LORRY IS ALLOWED TO PARK THERE! We'll see how that goes.

Aight, that's done. Now the gewd part of my days.

I've been watching Nodame Cantabile anime. I love the 2nd part of the ending song.

I bought these cute buttons at 30 cents each at Signature (Kompleks Karamunsing). Oh yeah btw, anyone knows where I can find Japanese cotton here in KK?

On another note, my ravejoint review is in A La Page - February issue. Actually in January issue too but I sort of missed out on having a copy. But I think you can check the e-magazine online, here.

It's been awhile since I got into my jog routine. I'm starting to feel the fats around my thighs *sigh. Anyways, I'd push my siblings to run with me this morning. Well, the plan was to wake up around 5am which I did. I resume my sleep coz it was dark hahahahahaha. Actually the idea was to jog when it's not sunny. *rofl. I'm sorry, it's pretty chilly this morning. It's nicer to sleep you see.

Hey it's no fun when everyone else gets to sleep while you have to wake up rite?

We end up leaving around 7am. Bummer. I only manage to walk 2 rounds and jog 1 round. I've planned to make it a 5 laps today. Dang it!

Anyways, after our 3 laps, we went to Pete's Corner at Asia City for breakfast. Met Arine there.

I had button mushroom omelette with cheese *drools~ I think this cost around RM5++ coz we requested it. Not included in the set menu *rofl.

I love cheese!

This place is slightly crowded. I think the shop is a bit small and people keep pouring in for breakfast.

After breakfast, we went to Kompleks Asia City and walk around while my bro went to the washroom.

We went to the Korean Shop near the chicken rice shop. I bought a grape drink for RM2.10. It taste like sparkle juice. I love it. Too bad it's the last can.

And my bro bought this watermelon ice cream for RM2 which taste like honeydew.

Don't you think this is just cute? Those dots aren't seed. I think those are red beans.

I've always wanted to blog about the new pies available at Butterbliz but I keep on having other stuff to do. But here I'm gonna inform everyone that, Butterbliz have mushroom pie (which I'm yet to try, but I heard it's tasty coz everyone can't stop talking about it) and the sardine pie which I think is tasty too. Heck, I had 2 the other day.

Check out my rave, here.

Aight, now I'm done making you people mouth water, I'm gonna shower XD

Have a pleasant weekend everyone!


  1. I think I remember the truck that blocking everyone else... its in the morning story that.. if im not mistaken...

    and that guy wtih open door.. aduuuhhh u ada check dalam kah.. maybe got body inside.. yaiiikkkss...

    and Pete's corner.. aduhhh memang hebat sana tu...
    i tried to avoid looking at the delicious food... trying to diet ni :D

  2. JPP papa: wakkaka, yeah i forgot which month it is oh *Rofl, nvm la, at least ppl remember ada tu post kekekek..alah, teda check oh, shite I should haf played CSI for that bit. Oh yeah pete's corner the omelette damn =_= aku pun mo diet but cheese is too hard to resist oh

  3. I would have checked his car out, maybe got loads of hidden cash there lah ... hehehe ...

  4. Nick: Oh nois, darn it..I should have XD

  5. Wahh, that's one humongous ice cream! Murahnya... sia mau!!!

  6. Nessa: best kan! XD i wanna try other flavours and I'll blog about it when I do XD

  7. careless juga tu orang. nasib kereta dia tia kena curi.. cream.
    why mas??? WHY?
    why must u torture my poor soul..


    make sure u try each n every flavours ah..:D tell us which one is the best! :D

  8. jacq: can bah, when I go there again. and if it doesn't make me cough that badly ahhahaha XD

  9. woah, big ice cream! looks yummy! n cute buttons!n murah gile! 30 cent je

  10. baity: hehehe yeah, it taste like honeydew XD and red beans kekekekke..omg i'm so gonna get more buttons XD

  11. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Can't tell much from the image---was it suppose to say something, maybe it in the eye of the beholder.

  12. Ron: U mean the one in the car of that lorry blocking the road? @_@ well sorry, coz I was in the car and I couldn't use flash @_@
