
Monday, March 16, 2009

UMS Japanese Cultural Week

I was at UMS last Saturday for the Japanese Cultural Week. Was there since 11am or was it noon. I'd thought that parking might be a problem but it wasn't that I end up being there till nearly 11pm. The morning was pretty quiet and the weather didn't help even one bit. It was so hot that I feel sticky from sweating and I was bothered with my pimples. Lets just say that it looked kinda popped out.

Crowd wasn't near to gewd in the morning and it started to rain just like the usual days. I hang at Moe Yume booth for hours and at some part I think we were kinda bored. I'd give up if I brought along my car, I could drive home and do other "important" stuff at home.

Here's some of the shots me and my bro took in the morning. I didn't get much shots at nite coz I was tired. And distance from the booth doesn't really help. Talking about exercise.
*note: Oh the new facebook layout is so bad that I can't find my photo album @_@"""

Abum 1 and Album 2.

Japanese food booths:

Japanaese Dream Food, Sushi King, Yoshimi, erm a booth selling cupcakes (looks pretty but *sigh) etc etc.

Cosplayers from Kota Kinabalu Cosplay Club (KKCC).

Martial arts demo at nite (I didn't take any shot coz I was too far away and I'm tired).

This is wrong. It's TeamDayDreamers (TDD), not what's printed there @_@.

Team Day Dreamers, 40 copies of The Da Dinci code for RM10 each. I'm not sure if they sold everything or not that day. I'll check with them later.

The event needs more crowd and booth. Maybe combine the food booths? It's so far apart @_@ Oh and they need a better playlist. The songs been repeated like forever. Now I'm annoyed with the Ike Ike song, the para para sakura song and another song urgh~

The event more happening at nite. But I think they need to point the spotlight somewhere else. Coz it's pointing at Moe Yume the whole nite, I think some of us are are blinded by it. *rofl.

*points at the album link, for more photos.

The post is this messy and un-energetic coz I'm still feeling tired.

Lets just say that I went to play F.E.A.R 2, Dawn of War II and Left4Dead at Internet Arena, Citymall from 1pm to 9pm (minus dinner at 6pm) yesterday.


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    I would've pulled my trademark cosplay if I was there.

  2. Hangmen: yeah, it'd be fun
