
Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Birthday fallenone

I've been up roughly 21 hours now and I think I wanna shower first before I continue with this post. Waw it's been days since I last posted anything. Gewd thing I went to fallenone's surprise birthday party at VedaBlue, Citymall today.

* Shower time (advertisement)*

Continues.... *sipping tea.

Ogie, so I followed my brother today coz I was a bit lazy to drive. Yes! I admit it! I dun think there's any occasion that I never complain about the workshop near my house.

Today also blocking. They moved the other lorry, they expect my bro to drive through the opening road when my bro's car is a bit low and those bumps is unavoidable. I'm the type who doesn't have any patience while my bro is sort of my opposite in that department. Lets just say that he have more patience than me. He got down from his car and told them to move the lorry. Well see, from this picture you guys might think that nothing is going on there but, they're actually transferring fuel. Well looks like it. Fishie.

Lets let that story slide, as long as they dun bring harm to us, we won't do it to them. Back to the story. So we went to Citymall before 7:30pm as planned.

Operation surprise fallenone birthday party commence.

Our mastermind: Kana sama + maybe around 15++ CSPian.

Meeting point, Internet Arena at 7:30pm. To be notified via dori when to go downstairs to VedaBlu. Some of them were playing some online games, lets just say that some of us are facebook addicts LOL.

Operation commenced at 8:15pm. Or was it 8pm? We were sort of blur when we should go in LOL. But yeah, the "victim" arrived on time.


Double chocolate ice cream cake from Vedablue. This is seriously not farnie! Chocolate is damn gewd!

I swear I think I saw only 1 candle there. LIES!!!!! He's not 1 year old!!!!

Anyways, I think the CSPians are a bit high. We had like 3 happy birthday song repeats, 1 for fallenone, 1 to Penny (like this ka spell her name? @_@) and another 1 is a call to DaSaru. LOL. Too bad nobody recorded it. But I think we rocked Vedablu that nite LOL. For being so loud LOL.

Some of them got his presents, we got him cake! The cake is seriously delicious! XD

Card for everyone to sign. ;)

My share of the cake X3

Oh yeah and some of them were playing "photo stalking" *facepalm.

Here's some photos.

More photos, here.

From duck's album, here.

Last but not least, group photo! Thanks to Vedablu staff for helping us with the cake cutting and all. Sorry if we made a mess *sweat.

Oh yeah, thanks to duck and yack yack for taking photos. Especially the group photo. You guys rock!

Happy Birthday fallenone a.k.a Nicholas! XD


Oh yeah, if you find my post sound a bit out (looney), mind that, just follow the bread crumbs.

I think I'm gonna skip the whole eating this time, gonna drink tea instead. PUH! I hope I won't get hungry tomorrow.

Aight I'm done! My eyes are tired now, but I need another cup of tea. Happy reading! XD

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cleaning up my blog list

I'm gonna go through all my blogger's list and put it on my google reader/follow list before I change my layout LOL @_@"""" So, if you're not in my list, please leave your url in the comment section of this post. kthxpie.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New camera strap

I know this post might be a bit redundant but not everyone follows me on plurk or twitter.

So yeah, I ordered custom made DSLR camera strap and holga strap (for future use LOL). After 2 weeks of waiting. My straps (and Flan's) arrived at the mailbox.

Lets just say that I was all pissy this morning about this coz cleaner lady didn't wanna collect the mail till Friday since she already collected it on Monday. Lazy arse! Hmph~! After thinking for a bit, I volunteered to take it, since I want it so badly. So yeah, imagine crazy weather, hot sun and walking from Gaya Street to the Pos Office. I know it's not that far but the sun is not farnie.

Apart from that, I came across a beggar on the way there. OMG he smells, I mean seriously smells of pee *sweat. I'm sure he have his problems but OMG, he needs a bath. I mean like clean up everyday. I wasn't near him but the wind. OMG and my sensitive nose OMG!

Ogie, enuff of that.

Oh yeah, did I told you guys that it's my first time collecting mail for the office. Er, you just drop your bag at the counter and they'll grab your mail and return you ur bag. *sweat. I didn't know that. The bag is army green in color and it reminded me of army duffle bags.

And I got a bit blur when reach Pos Laju. They renovated the place. It looks nicer now and way convenient. Package cost me 8 bucks wargh *sweat.

Walk back to office. I'm showered with sweat. Thank gawd I dun smell. Boost aircond and open my package. Holga and DSLR camera strap. Believe it or not, I got these from an online blog shop based in Selangor. I've been looking for these kinda strap since Flan showed me these kewl strap from US. Those cost RM100++ *sigh. This cost half the price XD

The gewd thing about this strap is, it got a pocket on it for your lens cover and I just love to be different. Anyways, if ya guys interested in getting it, go to chenta puteh.

I seriously sound high when I first got it.

Monday, August 24, 2009

PHAIL Floppy Beanie orz

I placed my order for a custom made floppy/slouch beanie last June and made payment 1st July 2009. I've just received it today. What should take 2-3 weeks took nearly 2 months to receive. I was satisfied with my first order, which was my purple beanie, check my previous post, here. But my 2nd order, I didn't expect this.

Was happy to receive it today after bugging the seller for a month.

But, it's so wrong, in terms of sizing.

Before I show u images of the actual item. I'll first show you what I pre-ordered and how it should look like (click the source link below).

Source: Vans

Here's the actual item.

Nothing wrong there rite? The knitting is nice and the round shape is perfect. But when worn.


I've message the seller about it and she's nice enuff to redo it for me. *teary eyes.

I just have to send it back and she'll redo it for me. *touched.

I hope once she re-do it's the right type and size.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I'm bz cleaning my room ;)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009



My dad came back from Kudat today and bought some "Jagung Bakar" (Grilled Corn?). This is one of my favorite. I remember years back I used to ask my friend who works around Pitas to bring some back everytime he comes back to KK. Hee~

Anyways, I'm just gonna post some photos. For those who never had these, it's available along the road to/from Kudat.

And now for pictures!!!

Oh yeah, I remember the last time Emelda posted about how we eat corns. LOL.

And yes, we ladies cleans it nicely.

I had 2. There's still more for me to eat! YESTH!!!

Oh yeah, please ignore the hair. LOL. My fringe is a bit too long. It gets in the way of my vision. Bad hair!

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Weekend


Planned to watch G. I. Joe but we changed it to District 9. It's worth it! I love blowing and splatting bodies. Flying pig is funny seriously.


I'm suppose to attend my company's AGM but got the information a bit late. I've had plans for the weekend and it doesn't include attending that meeting.

I went to Karamunsing with my mum and siblings for breakfast.

After breakfast, went to SESB building for the "Pesta Jualan Makanan". Met and old friend of mum's. Aunt Linda. I knew her since I was young and always hang out at her place. It's been awhile.

Wood works from Sekolah Tunas Bakti. The small chairs are RM15 and the cabinet and tables are sold at RM50 each. Very nice. Reminds me when I was younger, my grandpa make a wood gun shape slingshot for us to play. LOL. We had folding paper and pillow cushion as fortress. Fun times.

Was suppose to join some friends to 1 Borneo for a photoshoot but I got lazy+tired from the hot sun and a bad experience in the morning *sweat. What happened that morning, stays there. *roll eyes at cubes. Don't even think about it!

Stayed home till the evening, my bro ask if I wanna follow him to 1 Borneo. So I did. Actually when I said I did, I wasn't thinking straight. When I actually did follow him, I got a bit lazy and wanted to go home LOL. Yes, my mood is weird lately. Maybe affected by the weather LOL.

We went to Mata'am Alladdin at the lower ground floor, near the parking payment counter for dinner.

I had Crispy Shawarma (Lamb) and my bro had the lamb kebab which I wanted to get earlier. Check out the raves, here. Oh yeah, I tried the chicken kebab before but I forgot to rave it. Hmm. Lets just say the Lamb is way nicer.

I'm so going back for more Crispy kebab! *slurps~


CSP have a beach outing but I decided not to go. Maybe I know it's gonna rain. Well ogie, I lied, scared of the sun. I spent my time watching tv (till it rained, there's nothing to watch after that), played facebook games *cough cough and sewing.

I planned to make a miniature sofa but I got a bit lazy drafting it. Instead, I make these small pillows LOL. I know, the 1st pillow doesn't look nice coz I sew it wrongly. LOL. When I close the other side only I realize that I should do it that way. Shite happens ogie.

On another note, wutever I draft doesn't comes out as it should be. LOL in terms of size LOL. Woops. That happens too.

Oh and, I took photo of those pillow with my Sebastian nendoroid, here.

I hope to make the sofa today. I hope. Must stop procrastinating. Seriously.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How Massy celebrate her birthday in 2009

First of all, I wanna thank all my friends, families and readers for the tons of birthday wishes I received via forum, twitter, sms and facebook. It's crazy that I just had to reply it one by one.

Today was suppose to be like any other day, going to work and eating vege for lunch. But I end up waiting for parking for nearly 3 hours again today and the weather ain't helping. I was sweating so much in the car waiting that I lost hope for a parking space there.

Must wake up earlier and leave the house early. OMG! *slaps self. I hope this problem will end next month. Possibility of moving to a new office next month is high. I'm also praying for a bonus before Hari Raya. *prays hard.

Anyways, I was home all day watching tv. And my bro suggested we go to Japanese Dream Train for dinner tonite. Since dad went outstation and Lyne is with her hubby. It's just gonna be me, mum, bro and sis.

What did I get this year?

Dad = $
Mum = $
2nd sis = Boots ;)

*hint to Eldest sis. ehem~ if u're reading this. I got some lunch dates with friends ;) wuah these people wanna gimme double chin ah?

I overall skipped rice for 3 weeks already.

Anyways, back to the story at JDF (Japanese Dream Food). I had boxing chicken and Curry Chicken Rice. Met Susan (Osindak) there. My bad, I didn't notice she was there. Anyways, she left after paid for her meal and after awhile, 2 plates of cream puff drop by our table.

Thank yew Susan so much for the cream puff. 2 years no cake and this year I get 2 plates of cream puff, I'm so happy. Words can't describe how happy I am now.

This is me trying to do my usual pose but everyone else was laffing *sweat. I can't do my usual pose *sweat.

So, our fewd arrived and after awhile, a lady drop by our table and gave us a coupon. *lost for words~ GG!

That was random. Waw, I'm feeling lucky!

One of my best day ever! Excluding the waiting for parking in the morning. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm gonna wake up early! Yosh! Tomorrow got free meal yay~

Anyways, remember my post earlier this morning about the Durian Jam?

It looks like Kaya Jam rite? But it's Durian and taste like Durian too. This is sold at RM5 each. Homemade by JnaGG's mum. If you wanna get your hands on em, follow this link. Trust me when I say I'm very skeptical when it comes to jam. Not a fan. Seriously. But this is a must try! I love it! *spread it on bread. I wanna eat this in the morning. I hope we dun finish it fast. Coz they ran out of stock and might only available next month.

Oh yeah, and I got a present from BakaNeko too. A Gundam 00 figure. Neko I want Shakugan no Shana black hair, kyouka twins kthxpie!

I think I cover pretty much everything on my birthday. Oh and yeah, sorry this year no party. T_T

HedBanz and Birthday

So I followed my bro to Karamunsing yesterday to celebrate DiasFox's birthday. We were there around 4pm-ish and played a game called HedBanz. How to you play this game?

Easy, first you get those blue headband thinggie and place it on your head. Your friend will place a random card on it for you to guess. Each player has 3 token/coins. On your turn, you have 5 mins to guess the cards correctly. You win this game when you don't have any token/coins left. If you skip/pass a card, you'll take an extra coin.

To ask a question, you may refer to the simple questions card. Or you could ask the question in your own way. The other players may or may not give you tips/hints so you could guess it easier. But I doubt they wanna do that LOL.

Oh and I think max is 6 players.

But I guess we have to create our own card at some point coz some player/people tend to memorize the cards LOL.

Very simple and fast game really.

It was fun! XD

We got a bit hungry so went to McD to eat. Last nite's dinner for me was fries and ribena.

Don't disturb arine, she bites. XD

We finish eating and when everyone was there, we hand Dias his present. A prank by BakaNeko and his gf really. It took Dias nearly half an hour to unwrap the present. Why? It's wrap with multiple bubble wraps and selotape. It's seriously funny to watch but if you're the one unwrapping it, it'll be torture.

Finally!!! He said he can "touch" it.

The gift is a cd of his fav singer/group with photobook.

Group photo

Resumes at BakaNeko's shop with HedBanz again. They played till past 9pm. Since I followed my bro to the party, I have to follow him back LOL, *buzz cube buzz, needs to collect Durian Jam from Jna, remember? XD

Lucky Jna still at Arena. Got my Durian Jam from her already yay~ Went back home and thought of blogging last nite, but I was so sleepy.

It's my birthday today. I want presents!!!! Or $$$. kthxpie.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Tempered Mental

I know I'm a bit slow with getting into this group but ever since babe (acom) showed me a video of a cover song by Tempered Mental vocals, Melina did on Cranberries - Salvation, I fell in love and did more youtube search on her songs and some cover songs she did.

Actually babe intro me their song called Cold last year March but I wasn't so very into it. But this song did the trick.

Then I found a song from their album, Honestly. This is so my kind of music.

Thanks babe, LOVE YOU LOTS! Yes, I'm getting their album.

You guys can check out their other songs on their myspace page, here.

Their page on facebook, here.

Anyways, hope everyone enjoys this as much as I did.

Pleasant weekend!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Friday Boardgame Meet Up at CarcaSean

I went to CarcaSean today to return a book to Panja. Couldn't be called an outing coz it's experimental playground discussion session.

Anyways, Panja tested on Nasi Lemak Stand (currently single player game), which I blogged about last Friday (just in case anyone forgot, click here for the link) and I get to test play Battlefield Mechanicum. More info about this game, here. Please bare in mind these games are experimental playground projects, still work in progress.

Was kinda skeptical with Battlefield Mechanicum. Why? Sorry Panja, but I'm not fond of the word strategy. Unless it's puzzle games weeeeeeeeeeeee. Test subjects are acing and me. Being a blur person such as myself (when it comes to things I'm not familiar with), I just go with it. Wasn't familiar with the characters/army abilities. So when Panja said, "place your army on the map", I randomly place it according to how I think the unit should attack the enemy, in this case it's acing. *roll eyes. What I learn is that the opposing party is a close combat unit, ahhhhhhhh u sux with range. *cough cough, while the unit I'm handle have advantage in range attack mwahahah.

Each of us gets to control 4 types of unit, not sure if I could explain more of this coz we didn't finish it since it's in testing phase. What saddens me is I didn't get to use my Juggernaunt *cries. Acing bad! Bully ppl!!! But I'M GONNA GET YOU NEXT TIME! 1 movement is not funny. I mean seriously not funny. I'll update you guys on this game if there's any next time. You could also check their blog, experimental playground, here.

My bro came with his gf and Rina later on.

We played a game called Kakerlaken-Poker. It's a 4 - 6 player game. What you need to know about this game is that you must know how to bluff!!!! Put on that Po po po poker face XD

To start the game, distribute the cards evenly to all players. The one with the most cards start first. There are eight (8) types of bug on that card and the player (on their turn) place a card to a random player and let them guess whether he/she is telling the truth. The selected player though can look at the card and hand it to another random player and bluff or guess the card. If he/she guess it correctly, the player who handed him/her the card keeps it. And starts a new round.

This game ends when a player doesn't have anymore cards left in hand. Or the player collected four (4) same kind of bugs.

This is a really funny game. I had problems trying to keep a straight face. Can't help but to laugh whenever I tried to bluff at a friend.

See, I'm not the only one who can't stop laffing.

Oh yeah, and the game ended. Someone collected these and use up all his cards hehe~

The bats card are crazy. I think there's more than 5 of it there. @_@"""

Next cardgame is Munchkin. But we didn't get to test it. Hmm Acing said it's a long game. Maybe next time.

Actually, uncle been asking me to go to his house to try this game. But haven't got time to yet. But you guys can check out his post about it, here.

Move on to another game. I suggested we play Shadow Hunters, but Sean said it won't be fun if we didn't max out the players, so instead, he suggested us to play Cut Throat Caverns.

How do we play this game?

First, pick a character. I think there's only 6 characters to choose from?

Anyways I randomly picked, Legolas! mwahahah, ogie his name is Edaiyn BloodThorn. He looks like Legolas. No, that's not the reason why I pick em. It's random remember?

The number on top right is Initiative Card. Each player (on play) pick it at random to determine turns. The card in black consist of Action, Items and Attack cards. The attack cards are use to attack monsters. Each player are to draw 7 cards (in hand). There are some item cards that might be useful for the player during the game play. Like enabling a player to have 8 cards in hand.

This here is the creature life tracker. There are 10 encounters. If I'm not mistaken, we played till 5th encounter.

Example of the encounters.

Some of these monsters attacks more than once, at some point, a coin toss is needed.

So, in order to win this game, either be the person who be the last one to make a hit to the monsters by co-operating with the other players as teammates or sabotage them with action cards *giggles. I hope I could explain this in depth but it's almost 3am and my eyes is in that straining state. Anyways, if you need more information about this game, can check out BoardGameGeek link, here.

Oh and they tried a new game called Pandemic, not sure how this game works yet. Maybe next time, I'll check it out.

Ogie, I've reached my limit already. It's almost 3am and I need sleep. I hope this has been informative. Sorry if it's a bit too long.

Thanks for reading and happy weekend.