
Sunday, August 09, 2009

Tempered Mental

I know I'm a bit slow with getting into this group but ever since babe (acom) showed me a video of a cover song by Tempered Mental vocals, Melina did on Cranberries - Salvation, I fell in love and did more youtube search on her songs and some cover songs she did.

Actually babe intro me their song called Cold last year March but I wasn't so very into it. But this song did the trick.

Then I found a song from their album, Honestly. This is so my kind of music.

Thanks babe, LOVE YOU LOTS! Yes, I'm getting their album.

You guys can check out their other songs on their myspace page, here.

Their page on facebook, here.

Anyways, hope everyone enjoys this as much as I did.

Pleasant weekend!


  1. Oh LOL, when I first saw this entry of yours (the title lah) I thought you were talking about your own temper and metal.

    Ha Ha Ha

    Wah.. not bad ah this group! :D

  2. I meant *mental.

    Aiyo... must be this hot weather lah. Pffft!

  3. @Cindy: LOL metal. *rofl. I know it seems very related to me somehow LOL I mean the title. But yeah, I like the vocalist's voice XD

  4. ya bah... the title tu.. bikin suspense eh.. LOL~

    Anyway, thought of reding something interesting today.. coz it's yer b'day... mana lah tau.. ada jemputan pi makan untuk semua readers kah.. hehehe...

    Bah, thanks for everything.. like in FB and in my blog ... everything lah.. so reply back.. naaahh... ambil Happy Birthday Wish from me.

    in malay: semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, sinyum slalu dna gumbira. :D

  5. @papaJPP: LOL, alah sorry, b'day xda celebration this year. Se rasa la. My parents gimme $$ sija dis, aku mo beli lens $_$ mo tagih duit sama my siblings lagi mwahahah. Yes, I dun act my age. Sot.

    Thanks for the wish. Aku punya post blum timbul lagi LOL.
