
Monday, December 21, 2009

Cosplay Outing @ 1 Borneo

In conjunction with Comic Fiesta, we, the ones who can't go decided to have a Cosplay Outing here in K.K. last Saturday.

Time for meet up was at 11am onwards.  Sabah time.  I reach there around noon.  My house is not that near to that place but it's not as far either.  Lets just say I could reach there in half an hour time.  Met the rest at McDonalds.  Had brunch there.  I actually wanted double cheeseburger but since I can't take much beef especially when I need to walk around A LOT, I decided to go with the chicken burger instead.  Too bad 1 Borneo doesn't have breakfast meals.  I could use a hash brown.

Neato decoration at 1Borneo.

Went to the cinema to get tickets coz most of us wanted to watch Avatar.  The show was at 2:50pm.  I actually don't wanna watch it coz it reminded me of one of the southpark episodes, Dances with Smurfs, which in this case is bad.  A little advice, please do not, I repeat DO NOT! watch that particular episode if you planning to watch Avatar.  Maybe after you watch that Avatar movie.  Or you'll end up getting flashbacks of it when watching the actual Avatar movie.

Tickets were settled (I think there's more than 10 of us), we went to Daiso.  Oh, the floor were fixed.  I still want those wood miniatures.  When will they sell chairs!   Gawddammit.  We were there for awhile and went to the arcade to "kill time".

Played Panic Park.

I really really really wanted to play Air Hockey.  Why they haven't fix the machine yet? *sigh.

After that whole fun games thing, we went to the cinema, it was 5 mins to 2:50pm.  After I think more than 2 hours, we went to the ground floor for group photo.  But before I get to that part, lets just say that Avatar could be a great movie, except the part that I've already watch southpark before and I thought the Pandora (the world) is AWESOME!  Except the creepy creatures @_@"""  Those are awesome too, but creepy.

Oh yeah, lets not spoil for those who haven't watch it.  Next was yeah group photo.

Trying to gather everyone is not farnie.  Once awhile there's missing person.  But we manage to gather everyone after er few minutes.

This is not all of them.  There's more but left early.

See the thing about the one taking the photo, you'll end up left out.  *cries.

Anyways, other photos, click here.

I think after that whole walking, I reach my point and my stomach was growling.  Thank gawd nobody heard that.

And everyone decided eat dinner at fewd court.  Price increased!!! OMG! I never wanna eat there again.  Portion aiyo.  Not farnie.

Went to Arena at Citymall after dinner.  Reached Citymall at around 8pm.  For what?  Left 4 Dead 2 mwahahahha.  Finally!!!!  Uber fun!

Wait, did I play it for 2 times already ka?  Why does it feel like 3 times? weird.

1 more map to go.  Right?  Oh, the luk luk at Lintas is nice.  It's located at the parking space near Fruit Monster area.  Want!!!  But not everyday of coz.

Overall it was a fun and tiring outing.  And I'm sleepy now.  Aight, happy reading!  Oh yeah, I just remember that I didn't post images of my figures yet.  I'll do that some other time.  Good nite.