
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lunch at Japanese Dream Food, CPS

Note: I'm sorry if the photos color looked weird (if it does), I'm editing some with this yellow monitor screen.  It died a moment ago.

I've been craving for Kenny Roger's Garden Salad and JDF's Salmon Belly for days now.  My bro finally went with me for lunch today.  I skip the whole sushi scene this week.

I got off before 12:30 noon coz it was "hazy" in the office.  And there's lotsa weird sound and smell going on in the office.  I just got to get out it's driving me nuts.  I guess it's the being tired and sleep lacking which is affecting my mood today.  Nothing seems to be farnie today.

Anyways, back to fewd.

JDF have a March Meal Promotion going on.

The whole idea was to only eat Salmon Belly ogie?  But somehow the promotional menu is so tempting that I just gotta order.

Anyways, salmon belly ;3  MINE!!!

I ordered the Sawana Shogayaki (Spanish Mackerel) Set.

While my brother ordered the Salmon Teriyaki Set.

His friend had cream puff ONLY.  O.O"""

While another of our fren, DaSaru had these.  *sweating.

I swear there's more.  He were just too far from me, if not I'll be taking photo of everything else that he ordered.

And as usual, we'll be able to witness this.

The crying rice.

Since my brother doesn't eat rice.  Oh man, I'm sorry, I can't help it, the whole sushi episode comes back to me.  *sweat.

Here's a farnie typo.

And finally the bill.

Btw, it's Saru! He's the one with the big appetite!!!

I went back to the office at around 2pm.  *eyes twitching when I reach the office.  I could smell ciggies smoke from outside the office.  Not only that, the monitor died for few minutes.  I had to turn it off for awhile till I can use it again.  I've been on "earphone" mode for hours and didn't realize it's already nearly 4:30pm.  Music ease me up easily, what else could make me relax?  Tea.  Gimme a cup of tea, I'll be fine.  

Aight, finally done with this post, I'm gonna get change for my jog today. 


  1. I was hungry.
    Besides, after this diet already..

  2. wow u really like japanese food ar... hari2 ada promosi bah... hahaha

  3. @Saru: starving ka?

    @Henry: yes I do ;) but not hari hari la. siao ah?

  4. food on d pic look good!!..

    bf and i went there last month.. am not really into Japanese food, but bf love it.. huhu.. we sempat lagi ada 'small fight' but i finished mine.. hemm.. salmon teriyaki set look good.. will try it next time (when bf insist to have Japanese's).. hahahha..

  5. @kuai: XD how could u not love japanese fewd XD it's something like chinese fewd XD i love em ;)

  6. @kubek: the rice crying wei.

  7. Above all, i pity the rice...if my grandma saw that sure kena cuci telinga... ;)

  8. @Amy C: I know rite? He didn't wanna order the one with rice but harga without rice lagi mahal. Tulah tu.

  9. waa..japanese food a,i'll try it someday la..look yummy..but the price ehem..oso yummy lah

  10. @zaini: XD rm2 sushi bonanza ada bah XD

  11. I love Kenny Rogers' Garden salad too! But now you make me feel like eating Japanese for dinner lah. :D

  12. @Cindy: I want Kenny Roger's Garden Salad T_T
