
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday Morning

I don't recall any song called Saturday Morning.  But it's gonna be another usual lazy weekend.

This week started different coz I went to jog with my brother and some friends at Tun Fuad.  I love jogging in the morning, it's easier to breathe compared to jogging after work which is hot and the weather makes it harder to breathe.  I manage to finish 1 round only (first time jog there) with a knee pain.  My knee has been in pain since yesterday.  I must have forced myself too hard yesterday.  Or maybe I ate something that triggers the pain?  No idea.  It doesn't matter, I mean it does but I just couldn't be bothered.

Was there around 6:30am and had another walk 1 round.  I like walking better, I could see lotsa things more clearly compared when I'm jogging.  A lot of people there in the morning too.  Which is gewd.  Definitely would go there again on weekends.

Went to Kedai Kopi Janggut at Hilltop for breakfast afterwards.

Gosh, I was so thirsty. But not as thirsty as when I jog at Likas.

I had Kon Lou Fish Mee Soup.

Foo Chuk increase price!?

Sugarcane drink and chinese teh ping (not enuff actually, I needed more).

Kuaci (not his real name) joined us for breakfast ;)  Clay diet, didn't eat XP

Ahahahaha sorry for the photo quality.  I didn't bring my camera.  Anyways, I'm gonna shower and do my laundry.  #_# urgh maybe I should soak my left leg. 

Happy weekends everybody!


  1. Kip up da gud work!

    Knee pain? Is it joints got sharp pain whenever heavy impact? I had knee pains back when I used to jog. Sekali jumpa doktor, dia bilang I'm too heavy for high-impact sports aka jogging due to my weight. Too much on the joints konon...

    Do consult the doc if the pain persists.

  2. Oh i know that place in hilltop... they have good fish noodles :)

  3. i shud try jog in the morning at tun fad as well. ramai org kah massy if morning? i prefer ramai cos it's kinda scary also to jog if not many ppl around.

  4. You might wallop me but it's nice and cool here cos it rained just now ... hehehe ...

    And I can NEVER wake up to jog in the morning la. I'm simply not a morning person.

  5. @fallenone: I must have pushed myself too much yesterday? not sure. I think ease up a bit, I just need to rest my leg XD

    @Henry: yeah, there's 2 fish mee shop there, I think. That I've been to la.

    @chegu: Yeap, pagi pagi ramai orang oh.

    @Nick: *strangles. No rain here. XD My friend call us in the morning to remind us hahahah oh man.

  6. @Uncle Greg: masih fit bah. Jog in the morning easier to breathe XD Anyways, tu kon lou mmg sedap! XD

  7. Haven't been to Tok Janggut for ages. I love the butter chicken there. Yum...

  8. @dino: I've never tried anything but fish mee and kon lou.

  9. Sunday morning punya song ada kan :) so pa lagi, cuba ko buat lagu Saturday morning! Hehehe

    uiii... kon lou fish tuu baaa.... *taaapun*

  10. @Nessa: I'll think of something XD hehehehe
