
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Luxury fewd

Since dad is outstation and my bro spotted something in the newspaper yesterday, we decided to try this.  It's like an early b'day dinner for him.


Is this new?  I know there's owez a seafood restaurant there but iono wut it's called.  Hehe.

It's a set dinner for 4 person.  Not uploading my sis's photo coz she'll kill me if I did.

That's me after jog.  Sweating like a pig =_="""  I hate my hair.

Singapore Chili Crab - don't worry, it's not spicy at all.  I had bits and pieces of this coz I'm scared that I might get some kind of allergic reaction.

2 Varieties Fish - sweet and sour and fried fish cooked with garlic.  Most of it are fish bones.  Too troublesome to eat.

Prawns with special sauce - oh, this one is gewd.  Fresh prawns cook with curry paste?

Fu Gui Chicken - chicken cook with herbs?  It's tasteless if you ask me.  Mum said she ate something bitter.  But I taste nothing.  Something wrong with my taste bud ka?

The gewd part was service quite gewd, waiter keep changing our plates lol.  Bad is they forgot to refill the water the first time.  But after that first time, they keep on refilling.  *bloated with water.

Overall it was okay, okay in the sense that it's edible but not quite memorable (I'm not dying to have it again).  Though I'd love if they include vege?  Hello?  My raves, here.

Oh and the sun was setting.  My sis took this, coz I was dead tired to walk.  She said there were over 20 people taking photo of the sunset heheh.

I hope I did not make anyone hungry now ;)


  1. Ok I'm officially 'off' fewd, coz those pis did absolutely nothing for me XD

    Word verification: corksack =_='''

  2. @Nex: LOL, I'm suppose to be off fewd too coz my taste buds macam something wrong. It taste like nothing @_@ somehow. Or mmg they cook kurang rasa ni? heran se.

  3. ayam not hungry... yet... oh no beter sleep b4 hunger strikes.....................................................................................................................................

  4. @Duck: hahahaha r u sure? XD

  5. bernardtzing9:25 AM it worthy?seem like the portion not much XD

  6. Wahhhhh new blog template. I loike!!! <3 <3 <3

  7. Chilli crab is a sweet dish more than a spicy dish:)

  8. @bernard: portion quite ok since I don't eat much, but taste hmm need a bit fix la. It doesn't taste great.

    @clay: ok ok lah.

    @cin: thankie thankie ;)

    @kelvin: oh! didn't know that, I thought since it's named spicy, it should be. Oh well.

  9. macam sedap saja tu ketam ooo...
    makan keropok saja la ni XP

  10. @ruth: pigi makan XD kekekeke jangan makan keropok. kasi se tu keropok kekekeke

  11. Alamak,I think everything there I can't eat la ... LOL!

  12. massy, u said u on diet??? hahahahaahahahaha

  13. @Nick: allergies?

    @Aj: I am on diet. cubex spoiled a day's diet. Luxury fewd for a day should be fine LOL
