
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jog Motivation Post for Cindy :)

I was so bored at work that I watched Keeping Up with the Kardashians at work.  America's Next Top Model cycle 15 only starts next month! I'm excited!  The accountant went up to me and ask me about some stuff that I had to go through calling TM customer service twice, thank gawd I manage to resolve the problem by 4:30pm.  Rushed to Suria Sabah to collect ticket from Clay (thanks for getting us the tix) and went off to Likas for my jogging session.  Don't worry, I'm not crazy, I just need to prevent my arse from growing bigger heheh~

Oh shite 15 mins left before break fast.  I can finish this post in time!

So this post is for Cindy!  Don't worry Cin, when I started jogging 3-4 months ago, I couldn't survive 30 minutes.

Anyways, I only manage to walk 1 round and jog 1 round coz jogging 2 rounds nonstop makes me thirsty and I am fasting.  Out of 9 days of fasting, lets just say that almost the whole of last week I spoiled myself with a bit of too much pleasure fewd.

After my jog, here's some ugly camwhoring shot I took of myself, nobody was with me so I took it like this.  Yes I'm posting photos of my fugly self after jog especially for you.  :) (oh my pimples @_@)

1 round, not much sweat.

And checking current weight before "sungkai".

I'm not at my targeted weight yet.

So, will this do?  Or you want me to have an updated post of 5 rounds aftermath?  That only will happen after raya, if you want.  Hope this helps to boost and keep jogging.  You can dew it!  We'll jog together when you come back yay!


  1. Massyyy!! you're my inspiration!! :D :D You go bebeh!! baru jugak tadi my friend ajak jogging.. tapi tunggu dulu. first things first, beli kasut jogging. hahahaa..

  2. @Shem: I need to get new running shoes too, kasutku botak sudah. XD mari kita jogging!

  3. OMG Massssssss you're so slim already!!!! Thank you for the post, dear. Wahhhh.. I am so semangat already ni! :D :D :D


    PS: Didn't jog today coz my sister tidak mau temankan. Cis. Tomorrow if she don't wanna go, I'll go alone lah. Semangat! Semangat! :D

  4. @Cindy: yay! kita semangat sama sama! camwhore only top sija, waist down is the hardest part, especially after makan, perut kembong, friend suggest to do sit up and bicycle crunch. Kasi update se progress jua :)

  5. wahhh bagus..bagus...joging untuk kesihatan :)

  6. @chegu: yes yes, maintain weight can eat more pleasure fewd yay! :)

  7. I cant be so determined like you owh. I will sometimes malas malas there. hehe. Go Massy !

    U LIGHTER THAN ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *sit at corner*

  9. @ki chan: oi I dun see u gaining weight, I jeles. *feeds ki chan roti boy ekkekekeke *grins

    @chiaki: lai go jog :) eh wait, but you're taller than me leh.

  10. Good for you :D Keep it up. You're really dedicated, fasting pun can still run :D

  11. bah!! Jom..tekad sudah ni pigi beli kasut jogging.. ndak peduli! Massy, you know kah, ever since I pindah kl, I gain like 6-7 kgs ni.. Eee.. gumuk sudah it's not even funny. Ndak boleh lah gini ni..mesti lose weight. Thanks for the motivation!!


  12. @Nick: yeah I have to, I feel heavy after eating too much XD

    @Shem: wahh! yesth! must go find new comfie shoe. my current shoe giving me knee pain coz x rata sudah. Kasi post progress!!! :)

  13. I'm not a jogging person but your pics,oh my..saya semangat oh terus! Keep it up Massy, yukenduit!

  14. wahhhhhh!!!!! OMG!!!! Massy...sia pun mau jogging lah macam nie...i gained sooooo much weight sudah oh!! (especially tummy area!! :()

  15. @Mell_f: Majulah sukan untuk negara! Eh wait! I mean it's gewd to be healthy! :)

  16. @Kadusmama: Tummy area se pun ada kembong sikit ni, mo kasi tone XD my fren said kasi sit up and bicycle crunch dia. I'm so gonna tone it!

  17. wow 52.5kg!! Bila la sa turun pi 60kg ni?? :(

    Jogging/running is the easiest and cheapest way to lose weight.

    Stay away from snacks high in salt and gassy drinks to avoid kembung perut.. ^-^

    keep it up Mas... sama-sama la kita berlari-lari. I still owe you the tips to avoid painful knees :D

  18. @Nessa: Tingkatkan usaha! XD yes, I won't call it easy, avoiding junk fewds is hard. :) I'm glad it helped, tips harus dikongsi kekekeke.

  19. punya ringan det..52kg only..aduiiii.. aku jelessssss...

  20. @Joan: exercise! XD kekekeke I think I'm slightly obsessed with my weight.

  21. wow.. u r such a good friend ya! :D
    Gambateh kudasai!

  22. @henry: lol XD ganbatte! oh wai~ u no need, kurus sudah.

  23. sikalang, i jog and rock-climbing. if tidak kurus-kurus juga, then i dunno la.. :(

  24. @cindy: yay! bulih tu! yakin bulih! kalau inda, ko balik sini aku monitor, hari hari aku stalk ko pigi jog tu XD

  25. massyyy!! nanti i balik kk, you training me ah! belum lagi sia start2 ni. I have exactly one month to at least lose a dress size. pretttyyy pleeeassee!!

  26. @Shem: when u come back this? XD lets jog together hehe :)

  27. i'm coming back on the 6th!! then will be in kk until 22nd! enough time kah to lose couple of kgs??? hahahahaahah

  28. @Shem: bulih try, slowly la XD
