
Monday, August 09, 2010

Random photo taking moments for Clay's video

I was gonna blog this last Saturday but I was waiting for Clay to upload his video.  So, today he finally did.  It was a random plan, well since I wasn't doing anything on Saturday and since the local artist did this kewl thing to this abandoned building opposite of Suria Sabah.

Clay wanted some shots as slides for his new cover song.  Death Cab For Cutie song called I Will Follow You Into the Dark.  As lazy I am, I forced myself to meet up with him and my brother there around 2:30pm.  My bro was there with his PIU people earlier.  I dislike hot weather and want to hibernate at home but I promise Clay that I'd go there with my cameras and guitar.  Yes, that dirty "Kapok" belongs to me.  No I'm still learning and still can't play any songs *sigh.

It was so hot that my sweat were showing all over.  Bad choice for wearing color shirts.  It's not such a gewd idea to wear black either.  Took over 100 shots, all in color.  My bro took most of it.  I hand him my DSLR while I stick with PNS hehe~  Here's some shots I took.

Freshly painted by sifu kwan *worship.

There's more photos but I'm a bit on the lazy side with resizing and editing hehe~

The cover song.

I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do.

Anyways, after that whole massive sweating from taking photo, me and Clay went to Kenny Rogers for lunch? Wait that's not lunch, more like dinner.  Cube were late so we eat without him.  So called yamchar.

When my bro finally came, we went to Secret Recipe.  His dinner.  Hah! Yeah rite!  My extra slotting urgh~

TARP fewd urgh~  These are delicious!

Oh yeah, last but not least, performance during the UMS Cultural Night. I don't think I posted this yet. Of my brother and Clay.  Sorry the above photo is relevant in the sense of the following video hur hur hur.


  1. Thank Mas for posting the video on ur blog =D

    p/s: the scandal pics >_<
