
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Random Shots Week #1

This post is inspired by  Read more about his post, here.  I personally thought this is a great idea.  Well since I haven't been taking a lot of photos lately and I've been demotivated by the amount of photos that make my eyes bleed from just looking at it.  I totally forgot the whole thing of how some photos inspired me in many ways that gave me the courage and patience to wait for the perfect moment to take certain photos (reminds me when I went into the garden to look for insects and in fear for encountering snakes while I'm at it under the hot burning sun).  I'm just gonna try this thing came up.  See how it goes.

I'll be using my Canon A710 IS camera or my SE W810i handphone for these series.  And maybe my Canon 500D if I'm at it.

And here's my first attempt for week #1.

Sorry it's all in color. 

After uploading all the shots I took this week, I notice I have some kinda theme going on here.  I'll add more variety on my next week's shot.  YOSH!


  1. Kasut siapa tu in the first pic? Cantik oh :D

    I love the last photo.. Grenadine kah tu? Makes me thirsty oh. :P

  2. Jewelle1:57 PM

    Great idea and lovely pictures Massy. You definitely have to use your camera MORE! Maybe I will try this also :-D

  3. wohoooo I love ur cats owhhhh. so cuteeee/ omg !

  4. @Cindy: my shoe ;) cute kan? XD oh yes syrup. loads of it!

    @Jewelle: yes yes, must keep up with a week's omg

    @kichan: :) thankie ;)

  5. miaow miaow~ come here...miaow miaow~ come to Papa! =D

  6. love the photo and send my regard to the cute shoes!ahaha
