
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lunch at Angus Mama's Grill

My fren Kuyachan (not real name lmao) told me about an English setting place I think last week or was it this week and planned to go today.  Actually we plan to go but didn't set the time, so smart, and here I was at home being all laggy, wait more like I was waiting for my laundry to finish then went out around before 1pm.  Meet up with Ms. Paha coz we wanted to check out the place.  It's our first time there. 

Karamunsing Capital parking is RM2 per entry.  But looking for parking there is not farnie.  There's limited parking space and some are reserved.  The not so fun part was the fact that I had to turn 3 times and there were like 2 parking lot that were wasted because of stewped drivers.  *sigh.  I think Ms. Paha is my lady luck today coz when I pick her up nearby there, I got parking :) hehe, so happy.

Angus Mama's Grill serves western cuisine and is located in Karamunsing Capital (facing RTM), just look for green color.  Air conditioned place with free wi-fi connection.  Opens from Monday to Sunday from 10am to 12:30 midnight.  I've raved it, here.

Some photos I took of the place.

We ordered

 King of Clubs RM10

 Ice Blended Lime RM7

 Watermelon Juice RM6.50

 AMG "Chick" Sandwich RM8

Thick French Fries RM5

Fewd was delicious.  Place was cozy, I think we got ourselves too comfortable that didn't realize been sitting there for almost 4 hours? lol.

Definitely will go back for more! MOAR!!!  Wrell? Lets outing!!!


  1. Yum Yuuummm... my fav. food.

  2. @Sharon: u been there? :D recommend!

  3. i tasted the BBQ chicken + bun*somethingiforgotname* root beer there and it was yummylicious , highly recommended A++.

  4. @nova: Hmm, I would want to try the other fewd too ;D oho~

  5. I'll definitely go visit soon! :)

  6. Jewelle10:35 PM

    Yum, looks good. Will definitely try this place when we go back

  7. @meatball: I wanna go again ;D

    @Jewelle: I think I haven't been so excited for a long time for fewd ;D maybe will drag more ppl with me dis time ;D

  8. Ooooh new place to eat... XD thanx massy

  9. Darn it MASSSSSSYYYYYY~~~!!

  10. @AmyC: yes, new place, si kuya yang spotted.

    @Donna: ;D yay~

    Hmm, fren said the chicken chop a bit small for the price. Hmm..thinks.

  11. Anonymous9:39 PM

    The king of Clubs looks nice.. :)

  12. @Shirleen: ;D it taste nice too ;D

  13. I go to Kmsg Capital almost every day, but never tot of going to that place. Will try it with my son soon. Looks a bit $$$$ tho! :P

  14. @Lorna: yeah the drinks especially are pricey T_T
