
Friday, November 26, 2010

Dat Cat

So Miu thought he could fit into a rather small box for a nap.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dad's early birthday breakfast?

It's dad's birthday tomorrow but we decided to celebrate (I guess family mealing counts as celebrating no?) early.  Bro suggested we go to this vegetarian shop at Penampang New Township.  My first time there, though I remember my dad were talking about how he used to go there almost everyday.  But before that, I finally reach 49kg again.  Sometimes if I reach 50kg, a bit hard to go down.  Hmph~  Oating works! *burps.  Been wanting to drink ginger tea since last Friday but I keep forgetting or maybe I did not forget but didn't wanna drink it coz of this crazy hot weather.  We don't want to overheat ourselves now do we?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What's in my handbag?

I'm so vain.  We need to be vain sometimes.  I hope everyone is as vain as me.  Hehe.  Anyways, I was tagged by chegu carol (you can check her post, here), and happily do this tag.

I swear I got used to having sling bags that I barely got a handbag till recently.  I have a few actually but I'm sticking to this one.

Here's my handbag.  I got this from one of the online shops.  Heheh.  Online shopping rox.  Okay maybe not all the time coz sometimes the items not up to your liking but impulse buying could cure stress sometimes okay.  Oh, and this is not brown, I can't say army green either, color of poo poo? Okay maybe not *rofl.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Rum's "surprise" birthday party at Little Kitchen.

First of all, running 8km before a birthday party is a bad idea.  Imagine exhaustion and being all sleepy, not forgetting you'll start talking gibberish.  Thank gawd aircond works.  I almost feel feverish today.  Took panadol actifast (is this how they spell it?) and drove off to Little Kitchen and reach by 7:08pm.  Must be there before 7:30pm coz that's the time lil one (not so little person) supposely come.

Yes this will be another fewd post.

Monday, November 01, 2010

B2.0 Preview + L62 5th Live Band + Halloween BBQ Potluck Outing

This is a combined post.  Reason being that I'm sort of in the lazy phase and it's better this way.  Or so I thought.  *looks at previous entry.

28th October 2010 (Thursday)

I was contemplating and decided to go and registered on that week.  I guess coz I wanted to meet some blog frens.  And since I got 1 newly online purchase polka dot dress, I decided to wear it on that nite.  Hehe.  Can't owez wear black now can we?  That nite was about "feeding" urself and mingle.  I think I had problems with mingling.  End up with just my frens.  Took some photos though.  Not much but enuff.