
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dad's early birthday breakfast?

It's dad's birthday tomorrow but we decided to celebrate (I guess family mealing counts as celebrating no?) early.  Bro suggested we go to this vegetarian shop at Penampang New Township.  My first time there, though I remember my dad were talking about how he used to go there almost everyday.  But before that, I finally reach 49kg again.  Sometimes if I reach 50kg, a bit hard to go down.  Hmph~  Oating works! *burps.  Been wanting to drink ginger tea since last Friday but I keep forgetting or maybe I did not forget but didn't wanna drink it coz of this crazy hot weather.  We don't want to overheat ourselves now do we?

Back to fewding.  What my sis and dad ordered.


 A bit too much don't u think?  I'm stuffed!!!  Workout after few hours!

Price range from RM8 above.  Depending on portion.  These cost RM60.

My raves, here.  Some I didn't rave cause I don't know what it's called.

Oh yeah, this place is always pack.  We nearly had to sit facing the toilet.

Phailed attempt to take photo of filled tables *lmao.  And I took 1 shot.  They must think I'm crazy hehe.

Overall fewd is gewdding.  If I'm not mistaken, few months ago, I went to this computer shop at Link Bridge Star City opening, they cater the fewd from this vegetarian shop, the sushi is love.  I want vegetarian sushi OYE!

Okay,  I think I'll skip lunch, or maybe I should go drink some ginger tea now.  FUUuu wut's with this hot weather? *faints.


  1. Wah!! Happy birthday to your daddy!

  2. 5 ppl 12 dishes?

    Happy birthday to your dad ^_^

  3. @Kelvin: actually only 5 main dishes, the others are like minor ones.

  4. Wish your dad a happy birthday from me :)

  5. Is there such thing as a vegetarian cake?

  6. @Nick: thanks ;D

    @Kay: Not that I know of XD

  7. Wahh happy birthday mas daddy! :)
