
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

HobbyCon 2010 - Quick Update

I'll be going to KL this Friday for Comic Fiesta on 18th and 19th Dec.  Gawd I haven't pack yet.  I'll pack tonite, I won't be able to do it on Thursday coz I'll be watching Tron Legacy 3D with 6 other friends woohoo!  *excited.  Yes, I can't wait for it.

Anyways, last weekend was HobbyCon 2010.  The plan was to rest this year and do nothing.  I ain't resting, I think I shouldn't bring my camera lol!  But definitely took less photos this year.  I went for both days.  A slightly different concept cause instead of just tables for booth this year, it's very exhibition like.  With partition, *queues my cubicle song.

Awesome performance by L62.  Their fb page, here.

My loot from Day 1.

Got the shirt for RM40 but ;_; too big.  Must find ways to make it small!

Comics woohoo!

Manage to jog in the morning on Sunday.  6.8km from Signal Hill.  Had Bakso at Gaya Street.  Dang those are refreshing, I'd ask for no vege next time hehe.  Went to Citymall for HC2010 Day 2 around 11am.  I nearly dun wanna go coz I got lazy but since Fluffeh tarp me with brownies, how could you resist rite?

This is from Lembah Impian at Citymall.  Delicious!  Their apple pie and chicken pie is awesome too.

Fluffeh and me.  I'm so kicik (small)!

Special dedication to CSPians orz.  I termiss this but lucky got video.  But why JB song?! ARGH!  My almost full name orz.

Congrats to Random 40k  (wait, is there a W there?) for winning Group Cosplay.

Btw for random W40k post follow these blog,  Nova (here), Ms. Sayap (here) and Nex Concept Works (here). If I post more links, there will be a lot, I mean A LOT!

Their skit *fespam.

Wait, this was suppose to be a quickie! OMG! Okeh, just click my fb album, I think if it'll sort of be longer if I continue this. 

See you at CF!

P/S:  Ini style pemalas blog ni.


  1. orz that baby baby song.....

    "u want my love dori" @_@


  2. Lmao, dori wants clay's love?

  3. have a wonderful stay in KL yo?

  4. and sakuya oso ;)

  5. ohhh i missed the hobbycon again! :(

  6. @clay: nanti se buang tu botol.

    @eugene: thanks ;D

    @amyc: hehehe yeap.

    @henry: u go CF?

  7. very the menyesal for not coming. I was driving to Ranau when my friend asked me to come.
    Haiya next Hobbycon mesti tanya si Massy dulu lah :)

  8. Anonymous9:54 AM

    "Baby Baby" is for all u CSPians LOL

  9. @cicak: there's owez next year ;D

    @sotong: cis!
