
Monday, January 17, 2011

Mid Jan 2011

*brush off spiderwebs and dusts.  

I'm still here, I just don't really have the mood to blog, or I don't have anything to blog about, or I'm tired or I'm lazy (*excuses).

Anyways, recap to what I did last week, okay maybe last 2 weeks.

Went for Ngiu Chap at Hilltop with bunch of frens after jog at Tun Fuad on the 9th, I manage to run 6.3km on that day.  Went for Season of the Witch movie on the 11th, had a rush 20 mins dinner at Kenny Rogers before the movie.

I switched my Roasted Chicken Salad with my sis's Caesar Salad coz it looked big.

This order comes with muffin.  I was too full.  Kenny Rogers had this promotion going on the next day.  Bummer!

Am gonna skip other fewding session.  Anyways, on Friday, 14th Jan 2011, me, sakuya and Jna went to Suria for CNY shopping.  Couldn't really find much stuff there, I think all I can think of is sports wear at this point onwards.  I actually bought some new dress and shoes online *sweat.  So planned for another shopping session at Wisma Merdeka on Sunday 11am.

*takes a moment, trying to recall what I did on Saturday.  OH!

Saturday, 15th Jan 2011 is Fara and Julian a.k.a Johan's engagement at Fara's place at Putatan.  *swt

I made this out of colorful paper, thanks to my sis for writing it, I swear my handwriting is so ugly to the point that I hate it.

I had sent my car for a wash coz it looked so dirty that I'm starting to get annoyed by it.  I think that was around 2pm, after 1 hour, went home, showered, get ready and since I had to be at Fara's place at 6:30pm and since I had to pick Jade up, I left home around 5pm.  Yes, my house is that far.

It rained and slightly jam.  Slow moving to be exact.

My skirt got a bit wet but thank gawd I manage to reach there early.  Waited for the others.

Fara with the "bride's maids".  Notice everyone in either yellow or pink?  Theme!

Fun fun fun, love the deco.  I left after taking photos, have to wake early on Sunday for jog.  I think I slept around 11pm.

More photos on facebook, here.

I was slacking after my trip to KL.  Heck I think I was having a hard time to breathe when I run after new year, overheating and feeling wobbly, too much feasting?  I gained a bit of weight, 1kg *cries.  I'm not skinneh, I need to work on my lower body.  There's lotsa fats there.  Fat butt, fat thigh, fat legs argh! 

My sleeping hours got screwed, maybe it's the nerves? I end up waking up at 2am, sad case, tried to sleep back but failed.  Woke up at 4am, showered and got ready by 5am.  Went to KK to meet up with the others, reach there by 5:35am, hehehe I was late but I'm not the last to reach there hehe~

The plan was to run/jog 10km.  My route is from Signal Hill - Likas Mosque - Jesselton Point.  Map link, here.  Mr. plotter, Rule plotted this XD

Lets just say that I didn't memorize the route and was hoping that I could just follow my fren, Rule.  Funny thing is, I didn't see him coz I was following another fren who was doing 12.8km and end up doing 12.14km instead (yes, I made a u-turn) *rofl.  Manage to finish in 1 hour 32 mins, happy coz I didn't stop.  Just need to cut more time and increase distance.  I have a problem maintaining speed.  But that was fun.  It was windy, it felt like u're being pushed and had to push yourself harder.  And another fren who is following me end up doing the same distance as me, opps~ my bad.  You guys can check my progress via dailymile, here.

Oh, kana sama took this photo of me running.

I went home after breakfast, got ready and went to Suria 1 hour late, coz I was supah tired.  I nearly didn't wanna go but since I promise my frens that I'd go shopping with them, just go.  Walking around for almost 6 hours is not farnie.  I was seriously in pain, my legs were dead tired.  I'M SERIOUS!  But at least the pain went away after a cold showah.

This weekend, I'm gonna attempt 14km.  *sweat, I don't know if I can do it but I hope I can.  I must!!!  Wish me luck! 

I need more sports wears, I have roughly 2 proper pairs, my birthday is in 7 months *hint hint! YES, the more the better, I'm greedy! 

Note:  I can't remember when I started jogging, last year's March?  

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