
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yack Yack's Surprise Birthday Outing

I ain't gonna call it a party since it's more like a random outing masterminded by kana sama :D and it was sort of last minute.  The initial plan was to do it tonite, but we came to a conclusion to do it last nite, which is the exact day of his b'day.

Lets just say the location was random.  We went for Luk Luk at Tanamera, Lintas.  My first time there, was a bit blur to where it's exactly located but it's kinda easy to spot, same row as Maybank.  I arrived there at around 8:30pm.  I was gonna leave early coz planned to jog in the morning since it started raining around after noon, I ain't taking that chance man.

If you don't want, you could order some other stuff from the menu.  Don't worry, this place Serve No Pork one.

We've planned it via plurk.  Kana sama had sponsored the green tea cake from Uncle Biscuit.  Yack arrived at around 9:30pm?  We had some "healthy" late dinner.  Broccoli anyone?

He's 1 year old yay~  Cake was gewdding!

Happy Birthday Yack Yack!

Me and Sakuya's new shoe :D

I think I got distracted most of the time coz the tv was in front of me.

I think we were there till past 10pm.  Oh shite, I need to sleep.  Not forgetting group pictar.

More photos via fb, here.

More fewd info. of Tanamera Cafe via Everyday Food I Love, here.

Uploaded photos and I think my fault for lagging to go sleep, I slept at nearly 1am.  Woke up at 3am, auto body clock, rolls around and woke up at 4:30am to get ready for jog.  Gosh, I was seriously forcing my body this morning.  Had roughly less than 3km jog, unsatisfied.  Maybe gonna do it tomorrow again.  My legs didn't seem to get enuff rest.  Till then...I want eyelet dress RAWR!


  1. Hey Messy,

    dropping by to read your blog, have a great week ahead ya
