
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pre Valentine's Day Dinner with Parents

This was a random plan between me and my sib----- I mean sis.  We decided to treat mum and dad for dinner at Sushi Tei.  Family dinner, it's been awhile, I think our last family dinner was when my eldest sis came back for holiday.

I've told my sis to reserve a table for 4 tonite few days before, well just in case, who knows it might be full.  And I was right, full house, quite a number of people reserved tables tonite and some were queuing.  We went early and arrived on time.  Seated and start to order.

Valentine's Day Promotion.

Dad ordered Chicken Katsu Udon, RM16.80.  First to arrive.

Mum ordered this to share with dad.  Yasai Tempura RM10.80 and Okosama Sushi RM11.80.

Me and my sis ordered something that's almost the same.  Price also same.  RM19.80.

My Tempura Soba.

My sis's Tenzaru Soba.

Not forgetting Salmon Mentai, RM12.  I lurve~

My raves, here.

Here's us XD

<3 ~ Happy Valentine's Day!~ <3

I'm stuffed, waiting till 10pm before I go sleep.  Before that need to wash face and brush teeth.  Yahoo holiday till Tuesday.


  1. happy love day to you,spread love to the loved ones,,ya......

    take care now

  2. Happy Valentine's Day, massy!

    Wahhh.. I've always wanted to celebrate Valentine's Day with my parents tapi tidak kesampaian to this day. I hope someday I could!

    By the way, siok oh food selection kamurang! Makes me hungry at this hour! (Belum makan lunch lagi ni) Hehehehe

  3. Happy Valentine's Day, massy!

    Wahhh.. I've always wanted to celebrate Valentine's Day with my parents tapi tidak kesampaian to this day. I hope someday I could!

    By the way, siok oh food selection kamurang! Makes me hungry at this hour! (Belum makan lunch lagi ni) Hehehehe

  4. @Cin: Eh twice pulak ko comment, yeah I wanna do this family eating thinggie all the time ;D
