
Monday, May 30, 2011

Bro's early birthday dinner

What's with the weather today.  It's so hot it's crazy.  Since today is a holiday, everyone seems to be sleeping in.  Weird enough for me, I slept at 2am and woke up at 7am.  My body clock is screwed that it's not funny.  Anyways, I think in this crazy weather, not only you get sleepy, you also get a lot hungrier.  I had bread and egg for breakfast, in between had cornflakes, 4 slices of raw papaya, 1 banana, rempeyek, tom yam soup and dinner at Thai restaurant.  OMG!  I'm stuffed!

I also fell asleep while watching tv.  I moved to my room to stay awake by playing Picross 3D on DS (yes, 3rd time to complete).  Yes, I'm crazy.  I think I was on a massive complaining spree today.  Anyways, was gonna go to cardio workout tonight when mum told me we gonna celebrate my bro's birthday today with dinner at Nok Thai Restaurant at Damai.  I can't remember when was the last time we went there.  A year ago?  Maybe longer.  I miss this place. 

It's been awhile.

It was a random suggestion that we (my family) decided to have a steamboat "parteh" at home.  There's only 4 of us.  Cut down on food choices.

My sis made this, tom yam and chicken soup.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Plank at Tg. Aru Beach Outing

My knee has been paining for few days.  I have no idea what's wrong with it.  Taking running a bit slow these days.  And what irritates me is when the pain comes and goes as it pleases.  But then again, I sometimes can be really stubborn.  Anyways, my whole plan to jog in the morning yesterday failed.  I woke up feeling all crappy because of the knee pain.  Couch potato for the day.

Planned for a plank outing at 4pm at Beach 2 Tg. Aru but Sakuya called me to go early to swim at the beach.  Yay!  It's been awhile.  It was fun.  I just hope I don't get sunburn.  Cause it was hot.  On another note, I sort of almost forgot where Beach 2 is located, till I saw the signboard.  It took me 20 - 25 mins to get there from home.

Friend made these.  A bunny and miku.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Burger King MADNESS!

Okay maybe not madness, more like craving. 

See, I've been wanting to eat some Burger King burger/s since before the marathon.  But since I was scared that it might interfere with my performance and weight, I decided to wait after the event hehe. 

So, last nite, me and bunch of friends went to BK, Damai yay.  I met my mum otw out from the house with my sis there, I ask if she'd like to join me.  And she did, somehow it was funny coz she nearly fell trying to get from my mum's car to my car lol.  Slippery road is slippery, more like muddy.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

It's Tuesday already?

So fast.

Last nite went dinner at Pizza hut with mum and the siblings.  It's because of this 50% off promotion thing.

But sad thing is, it doesn't apply on Public Holiday.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Borneo International Marathon 2011

The whole jogging/exercising idea a year ago was suppose to be just about losing some extra pounds which lead to my first half marathon this year.  It got me so excited that I had dreams about it.  Weird thing is my dreams were about missing it.  I wonder what was that about?  I've been training really hard to improve my running.  I, who, a year ago, could barely survive 1km now can survive over 20km.  Okeh, maybe with a lil bumps and bruises, not forgetting tons of blisters, I think I need a new shoe soon.  Heck I've been using this Adidas Adizero Boston for more than 4 months and apart from my 2 black toe, my foot keeps blistering.  Recommendations on a new shoe please.  I think I wanna get a hiking shoe too. 

Anyways, back to BIM 2011.  Had the race pack picked up on 28th April 2011.