
Monday, May 02, 2011

Borneo International Marathon 2011

The whole jogging/exercising idea a year ago was suppose to be just about losing some extra pounds which lead to my first half marathon this year.  It got me so excited that I had dreams about it.  Weird thing is my dreams were about missing it.  I wonder what was that about?  I've been training really hard to improve my running.  I, who, a year ago, could barely survive 1km now can survive over 20km.  Okeh, maybe with a lil bumps and bruises, not forgetting tons of blisters, I think I need a new shoe soon.  Heck I've been using this Adidas Adizero Boston for more than 4 months and apart from my 2 black toe, my foot keeps blistering.  Recommendations on a new shoe please.  I think I wanna get a hiking shoe too. 

Anyways, back to BIM 2011.  Had the race pack picked up on 28th April 2011. 

I like that number.  Even the time chip is the same number.  How odd.  I'm just wondering why there's no event shirt.

Race day, I probably had less than 4 hours of sleep, well if you call waking up in the middle of the night 3 times before 1am sleeping.  Showered, had bread with peanut butter and wasted probably 2 hours before I head off to Likas Stadium around 4am.  I think I was a bit nervous since it's my first time, I'm sick to my stomach.  Yes, I went poo-poo twice this morning.  Dammit!  Met some old and new friends.  Race started at 5:30am.  I manage to maintain a below 7 mins pace for the first 8km before my legs started dying.  Legs Y U die so early?  The volunteers were awesome, cheering, so motivating.  I'd also met with few of my runner friends who motivates me to run (I end up stopping and walking for more than 20 mins, urgh, what's wrong with me?).  It was definitely fun!  Saw some interesting people, there's a group of peeps with tattoos intrigues me.  Damn kewl~

The sun shines so brightly that I nearly thought I drop my contact lens.  Coz my eyes were starting to get all blurry and I couldn't see clearly.  Overall it's a disappointing first try since I know I could do better.  Manage to complete half marathon in less than 3 hours, I would want to finish it below 2 hours 30 minutes.  *sigh.

Here's my finisher shirt and medal.  Y U NO TOWEL left? *sigh.

I've requested for a XS shirt but they ran out of XS, gave me a S instead.  So big oh this shirt.  I drowned in it.

Me and some of my friends.

See, fat thighs is fat urgh.

I would wanna join another marathon.  WITH new comfortable shoe.  No want blisters please.

Around 9 something, me and kana went to the car coz I wanted to get my drink.  Got free orange, green tea and apple juice giveaway for free.  I would want more *GREEDY!  First thing, I was gonna take my phone from the car but when I open the dashboard, it wasn't there.  BOTH phones, okay, feeling a bit weird coz I swear I left it there, little that I know.

I was checking my bag and car for em handphones, none till I saw a receipt lying under the seat.  Puzzled.  Then I told kana that my phone's missing, how odd, till I saw this.

=_="""  Somehow this doesn't affect me as much as another past experience.  A bit pissed.  Went to look for the police to report it.  Met some near the complex entrance and found out that I'm the 7th victim.  lolhuat?  WTH?  Went to the police station at Karamunsing to make a report.  Imagine this, after a 21km run, I'm uber tired and a lil hungry and I was holding it in waiting for my turn.  I swear I had to write down my handphone number when people ask me coz I can only say it in chinese.  Whenever I try to say it in other language, I couldn't remember it much.  Heck, I think I was so tired that I forgot my mum's handphone number. 

That whole police report took an hour to finish.  Well at this is not as worst as when I was at Bandung.  I was depressed for the whole trip then.  Anyways, I've also barred both my numbers by calling the customer service for both hotlink and Digi.  Thank gawd both local service centre are open that I can get replacement sim cards.  Phoneless no more.  Though, to get a new sim requires a RM10 payment.  Fuuu~

And thanks to dad, I got a temporary phone till I decided which phone I wanna get.  Actually I wanted the HTC Desire HD but too expensive pft~

I'm lacking in the sleeping department.  Though, I would like to settle the whole sim card thing.  So, instead of sleeping, I went to Digi and Maxis centre to get the replacement sim cards.  Oh yeah, I had 4 salonpas on my legs.  2 on the calves and the other 2 around the ankle.  I think I'll need one for my thigh.  After I got my Digi sim card, me and sis went to Sushi Tei for food.  Well since I was hungry.  I had Nasi Briyani for lunch and I don't think it's enough to cover the calories I've burned.  I had these.


What I actually had.  Stuffed.

I saw this nice pumps at Citymall on 50% off, but Y NO my size? The world is a cruel place!

Okay I better head to bed now, I can barely open my eyes now.


  1. Finally Mas, you did it!!!

  2. @clay: thank yew, thank yew, mata berkaca kaca.

  3. im sorry to hear about ur phones Massy.


    you did it!
    even with all the blisters u talked about. but really, it's such an achievement bah tu.
    saya sangat bermotivasi mau join marathon...let's start with 7K ja dulu la hehe

  4. @chegu: Thanks. Uh oh, Sutera Harbour charity run!

  5. It doesn't matter what time you came in but the fact is you finished the 21K. Good job :D

    Yes, with blisters and black toenails, it's time to get a new pair of shoes. Make sure it's half a size bigger, ya.

    Sorry about the theft though, that was a really bummer!

  6. @Nick: Thanks ;D I think there's not enuff room for my toes for my current shoe. I'm prolly gonna get a altra running shoe, need to double check my size though.

    1. where do you get altra running shoes?

    2. There's some site ship it internationally. But I never get em yet. So not too sure about that.

  7. Good job Mas! I switched from Asics to Newtons and never looked back. :)

  8. @meor: hey, thanks for dropping by the blog. Anyways, uh oh, Newton, I got my eyes on em but macam xda jual Newton here in KK, have to fly to KL or Singapore to get it aduh, the choices for running shoes here is so disappointing.

  9. Come down to KL then. :) I am getting another pair after SCKLM.

  10. @Meor: I'm still thinking if I wanna join SCKLM. XD
