
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lyne's early birthday

My eldest sis and her hubby is back for the holidays (well more like they went impulse buying on cheap air ticket) for few days.  She'll be going back to Langkawi tomorrow, I think, so we decided to treat her dinner and celebrate her birthday 3 days earlier.  Me and my 2nd sis been wanting to go for months, finally get to today.

Before that, last Friday, I wanted to blog about some Sushi Tei sushi but I only took 3 photos and I got a bit lazy, I'm gonna post some photos.  I think I'll go again for more sushi!

 Volcano Roll RM8, I actually saw someone raved about this

Uh oh, I went for another 20km run this morning and felt really good.  I manage to complete it almost in my targeted time.  Which is slightly past 2 hours 30 mins.  I'll do better next weekend.  I must remember to wake up early and eat something coz before I started running this morning, I was extremely hungry, decided to go with it and complete the run.  I manage to run with below 7 mins pace for 5km but my speed went down the drain after that but maintained non stop run till km 18 and stop for a 3 mins walk, continued running till reach my final point.

Okay back to dinner at WindBell.  Dad couldn't join us coz he got dinner with colleague.  Ah well.  I thought this would be a family dinner thing but it's okay.

So there's only 6 of us there.


I think everyone were eating steamboat except us.

The menu.  Not much choices, I think some of em not listed.

Ordered these:

Fish Maw Soup with Crab Meat - RM16, cun cun for 6 people.  I need more!  This is so delicious I could eat a big bowl.

Crispy Roasted Chicken in Thai Sauce, RM18.  Not understanding the Thai sauce.  Love the chicken though.

Pan Fried Lamb Chop with Black Pepper sauce, RM18.  Not a big fan, a bit hard to chew and sauce a bit thick.

Stir fried Sabah Vege with Garlic (also can order with belacan), RM14.  I love this.  So juicy!

Steamed Garoupa, RM60.  This was good too.

Overall, this was a great dinner.  Portion just nice.

Before leaving, take group photo hehe.

Went to ConsFood to get a cake.  Mum's idea.  oTL wanted to celebrate there but they don't have lighter.  So bring cake home instead.

Another family photo without my bro coz he's not back yet.

Ah yes, massy is owez the one set timer for the camera and have to run.  I think most of the family photo shot is at this place lol!  And I'm always seated there aduh.


Last but not least, do check out this kewl local band, Xinxerena, their facebook page, here.  I'm hooked with their song Paradise.

Uh oh, not forgetting there's the Sabah Indie Band Music Fesv 2011 on 30th April 2011.  More info, here.

That's about it for today.  Over and out.


  1. wah! mas u so kurus oh....ur dagu tajam suda nie.... :)

  2. Happy birthday to your sis,,, no pictures ka?,Hey are you running, doing the long distance? keep it up ya and have a great week ahead

  3. @eugene: What no pictures? I posted a lot of photos, anyways, yes, I did 20km last weekend, this weekend will be my last 20km training, gonna cut the time again, this time I'll have breakfast, usually I don't take breakfast before run.

    @Amy C: hehehehe, but my weight maintains at 49kg, I think muscle XD
