
Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Roadtrip to Pesta GATA Sipitang 2011

Last Sunday (3rd July 2011) we planned for a roadtrip to Pesta GATA Sipitang.  It's sort of considered my 2nd time there.  The last time I went there was few years ago.  On this trip, there was more than 10 of us while Lea and her siblings wait for us at Sipitang.

Meet up at Sri Rezeki, Lintas for breakfast.

Left at around roughly 9am.

On the way, stop by at Shell station to pump fuel and toilet break for a long drive.

Photo credit: Nova

Continue journey.  In between, Nova, the one with the video camera, did a stunt oTL.

In between view/scenery + a bit of camwhoring + snacks.

Another toilet break at Petronas Beaufort.  Wait, was that Beaufort? I think so.

Photo credit: Sakuya

It was so hot that have to boost aircond just for me 8D

Sipitang Esplanade, "jakun" mode

Reach Sipitang around 11am-ish.  Traffic jam.  No surprise there.  Went to Leanna's house to pick her up.

Photo credit: Nova

Went back to town for lunch.  Satay and chicken wings!  SEDAPS! 


Nearly 15 of us wait was it?  Kira kepala.


Photo credit: Nova

Photo credit: Nova

I can't remember what time we finish eating and started walking around under the hot sun.  A lot of stalls around. 

Bags! I want that fluffeh bag!  Anyways, I refrained coz I have tons of em at home.  Must refrain.  These are affordable.  I mean seriously.



After tired walking, have a drink and eat corn. This corn have a different sos. I thought it was butter but it's not. I dunno how to describe.

It's starting to get cloudy around 3pm-ish.


Strong wind is strong!

Was suppose to go back to Leanna's house to another beach but we had to leave around 4pm coz Abu gotta go to work at night.  We no take group photo ;_; I is sad.

Reached home around 7pm-ish.  Kolombong traffic light not working.  Traffic jam.

Fun trip is fun.  Can't wait for the video from Nova.

Thanks to Lea and George for the food and taking us around.  Lets do this again. 

Sorry if this post is a bit too long and less informative. 


  1. hi there, i have just followed your blog..i hope you can follow me back..u have a nice blog here..
    i will be waiting for you on my blog...see u there..cheers

  2. Oh roadtrip, no wonder haven't seen any running updates :D

  3. @Andrik: I've already follow u long time ago.

    @Nick: It's also been raining lately.

  4. nice trip there... :)

  5. @Cath: Yeah, it was fun. But tiring la. My left butt cramp from sitting in the car for more than 2 hours on the way back.
