
Friday, August 05, 2011

Asia City Ramadhan Bazaar

Just like any other year, we have "Buka Puasa Outing".  That is so random.  The place is crowded as usual.  I can leave at 4pm but since I'll only be meeting friends around 5pm, decided to wait at the office till 4:30pm, thank gawd I'm not alone cause I don't have office key.  If everyone leaves at 4, I'd had to wait somewhere else.

There's many kinds of stalls.  Some that I manage to take photo of. 


And a familiar face.  Lo Han Ko stall!  Met the same uncle when we went to Sipitang that time.

We buka puasa at Star City food court.  That place is so empty.  But useful for times like these.


Mind my look, I look so geeky.  More like I'm still sick. 

Food and drinks.


Some of these is bad for my throat but screw it.  If it gets worst, I'll see the doctor for meds.  Oh did I say that I've yet to meet the doctor?  Lol.  So called self medicated, by exercising.  The kebab was ok, not how I wanted it but it's acceptable.  Black pepper chicken.  Good to clear my flu.  This morning no flu but my throat is in a bad condition.  Went home around 8pm, did 15 mins cardio, oh gawd, for a moment there I nearly couldn't remember what I did.  Actually that's pretty much it but what happen to the few hours?  Oh yeah, my earlier blog post, was having some problems uploading the photos, so time consuming. 

Not to mention the 2 hours sleep.  I was having trouble sleeping last night after I did face mask before midnight hehe.  Bad idea?  Not really, my face is smooth-e now.

Lets see what we'll be having today hehe. 

I'm gonna try to get another hour to sleep. 


  1. cendol durian :D

  2. @pjal: Inda dapat karaoke nanti ni.

  3. I really like this Rahmaddan bazzars, i think it is part of our cultures and we should keep it that way,, hey have a great weekend and great run ya

  4. @eugene: haven't been running on the roads lately, I think hopefully next week can cover some km on the road.

  5. I recognize the lo han kuo uncle,mcm ada dimana2 ni lol.

  6. @Mell: Yeah he's friendly ;D and the lo han ko still cold after an hour..taste masih maintain o. Kick ;D

  7. Your Muslim buddies better not be looking through this post... hahaa jk. So many food ba ;D

  8. @arms: I'm gonna make everyone suffer! MWAHAHHA okay maybe not. ;D

  9. owh! The crowd. Tu yang tak tahan about pasar ramadhan. That, and the selection of yummy food. :)

  10. BTW, hope you are feeling better now. :)

  11. @lina: Susah mo control, must do more running. Anyways, thanks ;D yes, getting slightly better than few days ago. Left cough now.

  12. @Maslight

    I will only post your gift next tuesday, sorry for the delay ya.

  13. @Miss.Littlewing: sure thing ;D

  14. So meriah. I miss the Tawau punya also. Macam-macam ada. Penuh satu kompek

  15. @kay: was suppose to go to the one at Sembulan yesterday but panas...I cannot tahan.
