
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Being sick is not fun.

Not fun at all.  After a week of trying to recover on my own, bad idea, I finally gave in and visited the doctor.

Finally some progress.

On another note, the weather has been crazy again lately.  I need rain! Some rain at least.  Oh man, so hot.  *turns on aircond.

How could you not like this?

Oh yes, and my friend, Jna is a finalist for ToyRebels competition, support please, click here and like it.  Sekian, terima kasih.  Sokongan anda amat (what's that word?) dihargai hehe.

That's all for now, back to Maple Adventuring hehe.


  1. Get well soon, massy. Else cannot play MapleStory oh.. hahaha!

    By the way, the same cough med company ada satu perisa yg sedap tu. I think it's the chocolate ones. I can eat the whole bottle, if possible! :P

  2. @Cin: wakakaka sakit pun sakit, MapleStory tatap XD kekekekek level up macam urang gila.

    Anyways, wat? I didn't know there's a chocolate flavor one, I think this one is berries ka, hehe. Sedap jualah, but saya ngantuk sikit, hidung masih gatal ni.

  3. Tak baik lagi ke? Well, get well soon. Sure no fun to be sick. :(

  4. May be you should stop running for a weekend,drink loads of water,take in loads of vegi and fruits ya....

    sometimes, small sicknesses are good, it is to tell us that,"Hey,you need to slow down,,,"

    take care now ya, will be back

  5. @lina: yeah balik lagi ni. Doctor said I exposed myself 2x masa jogging last Sunday, so sakit balik

  6. @eugene: yeah, fasting month somemore, aduh. Already cut down on running. Need some kind of exercise too. XD

  7. Get well soon. It sucks being sick and not able to run!

    The weather here is crazy hot too. I think I'll melt if I went out and ran.

  8. Hey gal take care...anyway have you received your gift that I posted on monday by pos laju.....maybe after dapat itu hadiah baru get well hooooo....heheheh :-)

  9. @Nick: And I was planning to run today but fren suggested I rest and recover first before I start any training again. Yes, the weather is crazy hot here too *sigh.

    @Miss. Littlewing: Not yet. Thanks. Will inform you once I receive it. Thanks again.
