
Thursday, September 01, 2011

Hari Raya 2011

Wishing a Selamat Hari Raya 2011 and Happy Holidays peeps.

Been busy with Hari Raya preparation these past few days that I didn't get to wish everyone.  Anyways, had an open house on the 1st day and invited over 50 friends over.  Initially had a limit of 20-30 invites but mum said I could invite more yay~.  I actually think my house is a bit cramp with all the stuff lying or hanging around.  *roll eyes at dad.  This year, I did most of the prepping and cleaning with mum.  My eldest sis and bro in law didn't come back this year. 

Open house start at 11am till 5pm.  But guess what, I was too busy that I didn't get to take photo of the foods.  Great! Omg.  But, I get to take photos of peeps yay.

Just like any year, family photo is a must.  And the one who had to set the camera = ME!

So not balance.  Notice my hair went all messy?  I had to run to my spot lol.

Some of my friends who came.  Thanks peeps!

Surprisingly my cat, Mew was behaving whole day.  I left to a friends house around 3pm, it was raining.  Yay~  Came back after 2 hours there.  Super fun!

2nd day of raya went to another friend's house.

I was there for hours.  Actually from noon till 6pm zomg.

Boardgames session. 

Table moved outside coz it was getting crowded lol.

So much fun!

Today, 3rd day of raya, went for run with Daniel.  Speedwork!  Zomg, halfway it was hard to lift my legs up man.  And he was motivating me to keep running, I walk most of my 2 mins rest time.  Le sigh.  I'm gonna fix that!  Next attempt!  Still on holiday, start work next week yay~


  1. Selamat hari Raya Mas! :)

    Wah. 1st day of Raya dah open house besar-besaran. Happening! ^^

  2. @Lina: selamat hari raya and happy holidays ;D yeah 1st day penuh rumah XD

  3. Wow, 50 friends? Belum lagi campur cousin-cousin tu kan hahaa.

    Oo 3 adik-beradik pula kamu kan.

    btw, kira-kira brapa la altogether people who came to your house?

  4. @Arms: 4 adik beradik hehe. Cousin-cousin mostly not around kk. Yeah belum add. I think more than 20 came to my house but it was super bz.
