
Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Dinner at Party Play 2011

So one day me and the girls (Jna and Sakuya) had this random request and decided to whatsapp Dino on 30th July 2011.

"Halloween party request XD"
And reminded him again a month before Halloween.  And on 29th October 2011, he had planned for a buffet dinner party at Party Play (event page, here) yay~  I think there were a lot of events and party going on the 29th, there was also a Halloween party at Cowboy Bar where L62 were playing (event page, here).

Now before we talk about the event, this is how my costume planning started.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Final

Yes yes, this is a delayed post.  Like way delayed. 

Actually the final was part 4 but since I sort of didn't add the photos of when I was back, so here goes.

Left the hotel in the morning, can just take the pick up to the airport.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Part 4

Day 4.

Woke up early again.  Had toast for breakfast with milo. After the Chiang Rai trip, this is what I realize.  I'm getting darker.  Can you see my stripey legs.

Went to Waroros Market to look for those pancakes but couldn't find it.  Instead mum and sis went and get some necklace and earrings.  After found what we were looking for, we took Tuk-Tuk to Thapea Gate, where Sunday Night Market was. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Part 3

Day 3: To Chiang Rai we go!

This trip is arranged by  The agent at The Plaza.  Most priced almost the same but this is cheaper.  :)  850 baht per person.  1 day trip.  From morning to night.

Sticker, but mine fall off after awhile.

Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Part 2

Day 2 at Chiang Mai.

I don't have trouble sleeping but I always wake up so early.  Way too early.  Everyday I wake up at around 4 or 5am.  I must be crazy.  Morning workout, push up and mountain climber, didn't wanna do any jumping jacks coz I scared I might wake people up with my jumping *rofl.

Breakfast at the hotel.  Self service.  Milo not kick enough and the butter somehow don't taste like the butter I usually have, something is wrong with my taste buds.  Oh yeah, did I mention this place has a lot of coffee stands?

Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Part 1

A week of overdue blog post.  Been wanting to blog about it but I was busy with other stuff and didn't have time to do it.  Even when I have, I got a bit lazy coz the number of photos I took seems to drain me.  Overall I took like almost 700 photos in comparison to my parents and sis who also brought along their camera but didn't use it much.

Before my trip, I decided to get a new point and shoot camera kekeke.  I had 2 choice.  1 is a Lumix (I'm a big fan) and yet another Canon camera.  After researching and getting feedback from my "guru", Flannie, I decided to get the Canon.

Affordable and cute.  I did not want to bring my DSLR around coz I know there will be a lot of walking around and I do not want to strain myself by carrying that bulky camera.  Not unless it's a local trip hehe.

So last week for almost a week I went to Chiang Mai, Thailand with my parents and sis.  Since mum been wanting to go for years, dad decided to plan this trip.  There's no direct flight from Kota Kinabalu to Chiangmai so had to transit to Kuala Lumpur via Air Asia.  And you might think that air ticket is cheap?  Guess again, it cost more than RM1k.  And was estimating it to cost less than that.  It was a 6 days 5 nights trip (well more like 5 days 4 nights since we took the midnight flight last Friday).