
Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Dinner at Party Play 2011

So one day me and the girls (Jna and Sakuya) had this random request and decided to whatsapp Dino on 30th July 2011.

"Halloween party request XD"
And reminded him again a month before Halloween.  And on 29th October 2011, he had planned for a buffet dinner party at Party Play (event page, here) yay~  I think there were a lot of events and party going on the 29th, there was also a Halloween party at Cowboy Bar where L62 were playing (event page, here).

Now before we talk about the event, this is how my costume planning started.

I actually had this thought a long time ago but since I know how much it will cost me, I never actually take an initiative to do it, not until I came up with this, I mean these.

Final sketch.

I didn't take the photo of the colored version.  Sort of forgot.  Only 2 people know about this.  And they supported me to proceed with it.  1st step is to get the socks.  Since I know it's hard to get it locally.  I ordered a red and white stripes tights/pantyhose from ebay, US seller and it safely arrived on 6th July 2011.  Next is to decide to send to tailor.  Yes yes, I know I have a lot of time to actually send to the tailor to make it earlier but I mean I was still doubting myself to whether I could actually pull it off.

Ordered my red contact lens via kana sama around end of September.  I actually went and ask a Segama tailor, my sis did her dresses there before, called Lye's Tailor and explained to her how I want it, even explained to her co-worker.  Next thing was to look for cloth, nope they don't do the looking, I had to look for it with kuya.  Finally found it, sent it to the tailor's before my trip and told her to get it ready by the 24th October.  Now that's settled, I've ordered my shoe and wig from taobao via sakuya.  And that's settled.

So everything is set.  I had purchased the face paint at Party Shop few days before Halloween.

Whatever you do, if you wanna get face paint, get the mehron one.  It's RM22.90 but it's way better than that RM15.90 China make one oTL.  My bad for getting the white one, end up not using it coz it's so lauya.

Called the tailor on 27th October hoping that she completed my costume, guess what?  Nope, haven't even started to cut it yet.  That was Thursday.  My day started so bad that day, from dropping veges into the dustbin to car window jammed.  One unfortunate events after another, I swear I nearly crack when the tailor told me that she thought I want it by November.  I told her to rush the costume but she went and ask me how to do it again.  Then told her that I will go and collect everything and send it to another tailor.  And I did, drove to Segama, pick up my stuff, even my sketch become "hamchoi".  And walked to Wisma Merdeka to June's Tailor at the 2nd floor.  Kuya recommended me to send it there and I was all teary when I reach there, explained to the tailor what happened and she agreed to help me to it in 2 days.  It was the worst day of my life.  And at night I went to dinner with Daniel and thought hey, it might be over, the whole ordeal, guess again.  I found a strain of hair in my porridge then later a baby roach.  I've returned it and replace it with Claypot Yee Mee, after eat have a portion of that, I found another hair oh lord.  It was depressing.

And of course, the day ended well with a treat of Green Tea Ice Cream with Almond Flakes from Veda Blu.  Thanks Panja :D  This totally made my day.

Came Friday, my shoe and wig finally arrived.  And then came Saturday.

Me and sakuya were actually sick on Saturday.  But I was just coughing and kuya were sick to the extent of vomiting.  We took some meds and pray hard that we'll be fine for the night.  Yes, we're dedicated!

I'd called to June's tailor for my costume and collected it at 3:30pm.  I was so happy that the tailor, June had made it exactly how I wanted it.  With minor changes to the pocket of course due to limited time.  And I'd tried it on when I was there and it was perfect.  I couldn't thank enough.  Best tailor EVER!  I highly recommend this place for tailoring.

I was lucky coz I was walking from Suria Sabah to Wisma Merdeka to and from and it rained after I reach Suria Sabah.  I think I reached kuya's house around 4:30pm.  Her mum made me drink for my cough.  Thanks aunty :)  Tried my shoe, slightly bigger, hey it's better than risking taking a smaller size, sometimes the sizing is a bit unpredictable.  I actually had tissue stuffed inside to make it less obvious hehe.

Then start prepping.  Changed contact lens, washed face and start painting.  Kuya did my make up with reference to an evil McD and a bit of improvising.  I had an idea of making my wig tied 2 ponytails with a gothic feel to it but kuya suggested something else which is way better coz I nearly wanted to just leave it untied.

And once that's done, time to change to my costume.  And once it's done.


Kuya and her improvised character.  Making use of one of her cosplay outfit.  She actually looks smaller than she actually is lmao.  She's taller here coz I haven't had my shoe on yet.  Hmph~

Me and Jna were mms-ing our camwhore shots to each other.  Come to think of it, I think we're too excited lol.  I mean like, we'll meet each other during dinner but we'd mms each other earlier to show off our costumes *fespam.  Too excited indeed.

Dinner started at 7pm.  As usual, Sabah time.  We arrived at 7:30pm hehe opps.  Buffet dinner!  Stayed till okay what time was that?  Was watching Addam's Family at Party Play. 

Some other photos I took, here.  More photos of the Hallow Dinner from Radzie, here.

Cut story short, went to Lava Resto Bar at Karamunsing Capital, the epic part is how I missed the junction and had a big turn and the nearer entrance lmao.  My bad.

Got this from Lava.  Yay~

Had some photos taken at Lava Resto Bar.  With random people.

Stayed till after the magic trick, then we went to McDonalds Api-Api coz Ripz were hungry.  My plan was to go there and take photo with Ronald McDonald sitting on the bench but it wasn't there.  I is disappoint.  But I had some other photos there.

Parked my car and went to McDonalds.  The reaction people giving me *fespam.


We were cracking jokes and being all random all night.  I think till the extent of laughing too much till I lost my voice.  It was so funny.

This photo makes me look like I have gloves.

We then went to Cowboy Bar to show our support to Clay from L62.  The plan was to just say Hi and Bye if he doesn't play that LMFAO song but guess what, they did lmao.  So we stayed and was offered drinks, took photos with random strangers.  I get people asking me for cheeseburger.  Lmao.

Went back at 3am to kuya's house to collect my stuff.

Jna plank at kuya's house.

Jna helped me with cleaning up my face.

The clown is happeh.  megusta.jpg.

Sent Jna home and went home afterwards.  I showered and uploaded photos to facebook and went to sleep at 5am.

Woke up at 9:38am on Sunday oh lord WHY?!  And got really sick.  I was coughing even harder and I was feverish.  Too drowsy to move around.  Mum made me porridge for dinner and dad had mum steam orange with salt for my throat.  After that I slept early thinking that I could recover on Monday.  Guess again.  Still sick.  But not as bad.  I feel better in the evening though, that's why I have time to blog.

Overall my 1st costume plan worked well overall successful and I had fun.  It was EPIC fun.  Thanks to the peeps around me.  Till the next post.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN.  Now I need to find some horror movies to watch hehe.


  1. Hi, what an enjoyable time you had, the costume and shoes must have cost a fortune. Nice pics too. Oh, pls do drop by for my Halloween story.

  2. Kewl!

    What fun Halloween party. :)

  3. I have said this in Jna blog and I'm going to said it again here.. haha

    next year I MUST join a Halloween party... MUST!

    haha so much fun. especially the costume!

  4. @Most Desirable: Yes yes, the whole thing cost quite a bit but it was all worth it ;)

    @Lina: Too much fun till sick hahahaha ;)

    @Daniel Chiam: Yeah, why didn't you join?

  5. @Rungitom: Glad ya like it ;)

  6. Uiii so happening la ur Halloween costume... sia sukaaaa :D :D

    macam best seja pakai tu kasut... brapa inci tu ah??

    Too bad u didn't get to take pic with Ronald McD, would have been great kan.

  7. @Nessa: Yeah, this year only ;) My kasut not as high as my friends. I think mine only wait was it 3 inch. Yeah, one of these days I'm gonna find that Ronald Mcdonald and take pictar.

  8. I'm being anti social this year... haha

  9. LOLZZA :D This is super chio!! Awesome!!!
    MC D female version!! :D


  10. @Meitzeu: Thanks ;) hehehe first and last this kekeke.

  11. Awesome costume!!! :D :D :D :D :D

  12. @Agnes Y. Thank you ;)
