
Monday, March 26, 2012

Daniel's Surprise Birthday 2012

I always get nervous when I plan a surprise party for him.
  1. The where, when and how - cause he can smell it coming from miles away.  Especially when it comes from me.
  2. Present - there's a limitation to what I can get for him.
  3. I sometimes run out of ideas what to write on the cake.
But, with the help from my circle of friends, I manage to pull something.

This year, I initially wanted to just treat him for dinner somewhere he never been and just got him a present, and with the ongoing training for my first full marathon this year, I feel kind of tired to plan one but in the end decided to just go with it.  Discuss it with my chee mui.  Plan to do it at Seven Sea Restaurant but went to that place too often recently.  Sakuya suggested we do at Fullhouse Lifestyle Store & Cafe at Suria Sabah, besides, he haven't been there yet.  *chuckled.

Made the reservation for 10 on Monday, booked the cake at Vedablu, I remember he mentioned green tea ice cream cake and no cheese cake lol.  That's done.  I can sit and relax after that.  We thought someone else could ask him to dinner but I end up asking again cause the people I ask help from not around.  Le sobs.

Thanks Sakuya for helping me.  

Celebrated a day earlier cause Sunday is a boardgame night and most people can't make it.  Though, I like to thank everyone for coming :)

I'm good to go

Le plan:  To meet up with birthday boy at 7pm while everyone set up and ambush at 7:30pm.

Theme:  Blue (black is acceptable).

What happened:
  • Fullhouse is full house orz.  Luckily manage to get a table for 2 outside.
  • Our long table which suppose to be downstairs, end up upstairs *scratchhhhhhhhhhh!!!
  • He was late oh lord.
  • My phone ring every now and then.
  • He keeps looking inside and I don't have a poker face.
Ordered.  My sea coconut on the left and his longan on the right.  Longan taste better.  Sea coconut a bit sweet.

Mr I don't like to take photo.

Surprise commence!  Kana sama got take video but not uploaded yet.

Le birthday cake.  Green Tea ice cream cake from VedaBlu.  So sedap! :)  We make it simple no fancy stuff.

His target this year.  :)

Move in! 

Sakuya is crazy when she lack of sleep.  *chuckled.

Decorate decorate lol!

His Wok Sear Chicken Chop.  Nyum nyum :)

My Seared Atlantic Salmon.

Everyone :)  There's like 3-4 other birthday going on that night too.  


Oven Roasted Chicken Parcel, I think.

Complimentary spaghetti cause Sakuya's Oven Roasted Chicken Tenderloin came a bit late.  And she's hungry.

And the chicken arrives.

What was this again?  Pineapple salad?

Jna's new galaxy note.  FINALLY! SHE CAN WHATSAPP!

It's cake time!  Jna to cut cake weee.

And the rest of the cake is for her.  Eat LIKE A BOS!  Green tea = good for de-stress hehe.

Blek singing bromance song to Lt.

Add oil.  "I love you, bro".

Combo surprise.  Le wedding invitation card from chucky ehehe.

Birthday surprise success :)

What he gotta say.
Last night's birthday surprise (it wasn't 'cause I saw it coming, somewhat) was probably the girly-est birthday celebration ever *shudder*. BUT, thank to all those who 'collaborated'. I love you peeps ;_;

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. I wanted to reply to each and everyone but my gad... there's way too many for these overworked fingers to do. Yes, I need a break from work.

I know he gonna say that.   Happy birthday again.  Too bad  the present didn't arrive on time :(


  1. love your flora dress :D

  2. *Like* coz I felt like I'm the one being celebrated. haha

  3. @Nath: Thanks, I love it too. :)

    @Daniel: XD Hehe, only happens once a year :)
