
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hello blog world

It's been awhile since my last update.  Yeah like last July?  I actually wanted to blog about a bunch of stuff but I'm either too busy or too tired or too lazy to do so.  So I guess, maybe, just maybe I should like blog about my last trip? Or maybe about that boardgame that I got for my birthday (in August)?  Hmm..contemplating.
For the meantime, I guess I'm just gonna drop and say Hi :)
Who is going for Penang Bridge International Marathon? I see you there!


  1. All the best for PBIM! :)

  2. All the best for PBIM. That event will be in my next year's race calendar. This year full already ... LOL!

    1. Thanks Nick. Yeah I think it's like 3000 participants for Full Marathon this year omg!

  3. I'm soooo lazy to blog nowadays, but sayang juga wanna stop coz I'm still paying for my hosting + domain thingy yearly.

    Good luck on your next run! :D

  4. Blogs are tough to keep updated when you have a busy lifestyle. Or at least, busy with work, fitness and life in general. Please do share about your trip and/or the board game though. :)

    1. Yeah I think I didn't have much time to do a lot of stuff when I have a schedule.
