
Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Generous Bos

That moment when you wanted to diet and your bos got everyone lunch.  Delicious.  Thank u bos.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Hana Japanese Restaurant

I'm actually testing the blogger application on android.  While watching episode 2 of Last Resort.
Went for 20km run with Daniel and Rizwan in the morning.  It was raining in the morning since 2:30am, so I thought we might just cancel it but if that were to happen, I'll have 3 missed runs last week, instead, waited for the rain to stop at slightly before 5am. 

Slow and easy run, manage to complete it in 2 hours 30 mins while Rizwan went and complete his first 21km below 3 hours, congratulation!

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Mount Kinabalu Climb 2012

Super long post.

I have always wanted to do this at least once in my life.  But I always postponed it cause I'm afraid of heights.  Like the thought of climbing/hiking/looking down at high places sends me to a weird place.  I'm scared of falling.  I don't trust anything and everything.  Had an early planned one this year, and got myself the courage to do it!  Finally!  Actually the motivation came when this friend of mine, Blek said he's joining.  HAHAHHAHA it's like if he can do it, I can, but in the end he cancelled to join International Climbathon on 13th October.  I think this plan didn't go as smooth also cause misunderstanding got me cancelled once and I got back in.  I have this 6 months training schedule for my November Penang marathon and manage to slot in some mebbe I don't know 3 times hiking before the actual climb date which was on 2nd till 4th October? I'll get to that soonish.  So I guess, u can say I'm pretty much prepared, not well prepared but prepared enough to do it.

Had some last minute shopping, yeah I guess the thought of it still freaks me out a bit but whatever I was feeling then, I'm just gonna do it no matter what.

Got my gears ready and here we go.

Day 1 - 2nd Oct 2012

Meet up point at Sacret Heart, 2pm.  Arrived early, thought I might be the earliest one there but I was wrong.  Pjal and Rendy beat me to it! Oh darn it!