
Monday, October 08, 2012

Hana Japanese Restaurant

I'm actually testing the blogger application on android.  While watching episode 2 of Last Resort.
Went for 20km run with Daniel and Rizwan in the morning.  It was raining in the morning since 2:30am, so I thought we might just cancel it but if that were to happen, I'll have 3 missed runs last week, instead, waited for the rain to stop at slightly before 5am. 

Slow and easy run, manage to complete it in 2 hours 30 mins while Rizwan went and complete his first 21km below 3 hours, congratulation!

Went for breakfast at Fook Yuen, Damai.  I actually wanted to go eat at Fish Head Noodles, Wisma Merdeka but wasn't sure if it's open yet.  So, stick with the plan.

After breakfast, went home.  End up sleeping till noon. 

I showered, had a choice of vegetarian Nasi Lemak or Yee Fung Laksa for lunch.  Chose laksa instead  I actually wanted to eat Nasi Lemak but the thought of rice makes me think otherwise.

I've arranged my 179 photos from my Mt. Kinabalu trip in an album to kill time.  As a matter of fact, I've completed doing so.  Went to Citymall for dinner.  Bought a sling bag, too cute, could not resist.
Wanted to try the Bibimbap at the Korean BBQ place but sis suggested the healthy food at the tea house which is located at the 1st floor near Playground.  After going around Citymall, we decided to eat at Hana.Japanese Restaurant.

Not because they have a 30% off on.sushi, but we just feel like eating there.

I ordered Kimuchi Ramen which is delicious btw.

While Dan ordered Oyako Don.

Was gonna pick more sushi from the belt, but the waitress took our chopsticks away @_@.
Went to Rendy's place to watch the videos from Mt. Kinabalu trip.  It was fun! Lets do this again!!!
To conclude this post, I think this.application is kind of good.  Just that I don't see the images that I've uploaded for this post.  I mean it's there but not in between the text.

The post did not appear on the blogger page via web browser.  Lemme publish this and see how it turns out.
I think typing with my left thumb and right middle finger is tiring lol.


  1. Didn't ask for a fresh set of chopsticks? ;p

    1. No oh, macam kena suruh stop makan XD hehe

    2. Yalah, no chopsticks how to makan?

      Must be they have enough business that day! So laku sampai takmo jual more. xD

    3. me and my fren also terkejut, but we just biar jak la, didn't wanna eat anymore after that lol

  2. I think the last time I was there, I was with my ex. Must go again la soon, only not with him la. :P

    Congratz on your Mt Kinabalu! The cert looks pretty nicer than the one I had years ago!!

    1. Cin, ko terreply wrong post ni. XD neways, si Kay cakap dia mo naik jua next year. *hint hint :)

    2. Ngam bah. I was referring to Hana restaurant tu. I been to that restaurant once with my ex. :P

      And then since you were at Mt Kinabalu recently (or rather, climbed) I include sekali the comment of the cert). Ha ha ha ha

    3. Ohhh astaga, I tot u tersalah comment pulak heheheh ;) my bad.
