
Monday, November 26, 2012

[Running] 5D4N Penang + Penang Bridge International Marathon 2012 (Part 2)

Brace yourself!  Yet another long post, okay kidding, this post is slightly shorter than the 1st part hehe.

Just in case those did not read the Part 1 for my Penang trip, go here!

19th Nov 2012 - Monday - Day 4

Woke up at 6am.  Went for breakfast at Fook Cheow Cafe, which is the same place where we had our breakfast the other day.  Wanted to eat Kon Lou Mien but decided to try everything else.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

[Running] 5D4N Penang + Penang Bridge International Marathon 2012 (Part 1)

*takes a deep breath.  This is so gonna be a long post.

Photos taken with Sammy (my new Samsung Galaxy S3) eventhough I brought along my digital camera.  I didn't get to use that lol! WHY? I don't even know.

I don't even know where to start.

But, I'm gonna say that Penang trip is not cheap!

My 2nd attempt at Full Marathon.  Penang was a bad idea.  Bridge all the way!  *yayface.jpg.

Friday, November 23, 2012

[Boardgame] A Touch of Evil Boardgame

A continuation from 2nd Boardgame Day at Just Wargame.  Only this is about a different game.  A Touch of Evil boardgame by Flying Frog.

So I thought I should finish this up before start with my Penang Bridge International Marathon (PBIM) 2012 post, which will be next.  Yes I know some of you guys are anxious to know what happened before, during and after the race right?

My friend, Blek, owns this boardgame.  He have bought the expansions "Something Wicked" and "The Coast" plus (+) 2 of the hero packs (Hero Pack 1 and Hero Pack 2).

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

[Boardgame] Mice and Mystics boardgame [PlaidHat Games]

Just Wargame 2nd (second) boardgame day was held last 15th November 2012 (Thursday), starts 12 noon onwards.  We got there around 1pm.