
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Reviving the blog..hopefully

In the lines of the above mentioned title.  I am planning to hopefully, have some time and be a bit less lazy about blogging about my runs.  I had a write up about BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon 2013 but I have yet to complete it.  I admit! I've been lazy (I'm blaming the slow P1 connection at home).  I have better streamyx connection at work (when in a good mood).

I also have a line up of scheduled future races/activities that I will be joining/plan to join for next year.

  1. Mid April 2014 -  Mt. Kinabalu climb via Ferrata for the first time.  (First one via Mesilau in 2012 and 2nd one this year via Timpohon) - CONFIRM.
  2. 4th May 2014 - Borneo International Marathon 2014 Full Marathon - TBA.
  3. 31st May 2014 - Sundown Marathon 2014 Full Marathon - Gonna register tonight hopefully.
  4. 17th Aug 2014 - The Colorcoil Hasuu Tasu 28k trail run 2014 - CONFIRM.
And with the recent announcement for Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2014.

 Also in the list BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon 2014 (this is a fun race, so much love), probably falls on October 2014 and hopefully next year I get to register for adidas King of the Road 2014 (I have been wanting to join this race for 2-3 years already and most year registration full *flips table).

I will try to blog about my previous race experience and new training program I'm going through and pray to god that I'm not lazy.  :)  Thanks for reading.

I'm in such a good mood.

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