
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Reviving the blog..hopefully

In the lines of the above mentioned title.  I am planning to hopefully, have some time and be a bit less lazy about blogging about my runs.  I had a write up about BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon 2013 but I have yet to complete it.  I admit! I've been lazy (I'm blaming the slow P1 connection at home).  I have better streamyx connection at work (when in a good mood).

I also have a line up of scheduled future races/activities that I will be joining/plan to join for next year.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Oktoberfest 2013

Oh wow, my last post was around January lols.  And my come back post is about Oktoberfest 2013 hee~

This month, Malaysia leading beer and stout company Guinness Anchor Berhad (GAB) is celebrating the iconic German Oktoberfest with a promotion of a special edition 1 liter Ceramic Oktoberfest Mug for the consumers! Everyone can enjoy their favorite brews using this mug!

Monday, January 07, 2013

CSPian Year End Trip 2012 - Nagapuri (Part 2)

I'm so delaying this post.  

29th Dec 2012 - Saturday - Day 2

Went for walks along the beach.  Daniel has been attracting sandflies.  It was me, Kuya, Ihsan and Daniel walking.  Rendy meet us halfway.  Took photos, like a bunch of em.  I think we walk for almost 2km, not too sure about the distance cause I forgot to track it.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

CSPian Year End Trip 2012 - Nagapuri (Part 1)

I have been waiting for this trip like forever.  There's a lot of stuff been going on throughout last year and Nagapuri is the best place to relax.  I went to this place last year but I did not blog about it cause of the overwhelming number of photos taken during that trip that I sort of wasn't in the mood to write anything about it.  I think we had around 12 people for last year's trip.  There were new faces for this trip but the number had been reduced to 8 cause some had to work.  5 cars for carpool reduced to 3.  It's ok.

We had 2 days and a night's trip last year and we increased the number of nights there this time cause it was that much fun.  I think some of us were in the state of not wanting to go home.

Lets begin.

So I thought combining 3 days post might be a wee-bit too long, so I'm gonna make 2 parts.  And this is part 1.

28th Dec 2012 - Friday - Day 1

The girls carpooling again.  Kuya is driving again.  Sleep deprived Kuya and Massy.  I think I was overexcited? Maybe, I'm not sure what was my reason but I probably had around 2-4 hours of sleep (vague memory is vague, I think I was compiling the playlist, yes I compile songs for roadtrips lol but not everyone likes my taste in music but I'd like to think that I have good taste in music? yes? I only manage to compile up to 40 songs for this trip cause my dad changed my line to P1 and I totally killed it by downloading Borderlands2 *uhuk~ shhh~ one must not tell) or more, I can't remember.  Pick up time at 7am.  I'm already up at 4:30am and get ready, double check my clothes and everything is packed.  I initially thought Kuya gonna pick Jna up first since my house is the furthest but somehow that plan changed, lucky I got ready early hehe.