
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Growing my nails

Now see, I've never had long nails before.  Remember in high school, they make you have a certain length for nails?  I got used to that.  My nails were crooked and square.  Bad! I know.  It runs in the family (not everyone though).

Look just how ugly it was!  I tried making it colorfully cute.

Here's another attempt of painting it lols.

 This was last year by the way.

I really got to thank my eldest sis, Lyne for giving me this Mary Kay base coat/top coat which got me started with growing my nails this year.  

I make it a challenge (more like one of my new year's resolution).   I even tweet about it before New Year!

I can't remember when I started it but I was base coating it so I won't bite my nails.  I also remembered that the time when I visited Kuya at Osaka in late January, I was complaining about cutting the nails.  And thanks to friends who motivated me (actually I wanna prove that I can grow my nails, coz most of my friends know me so well that they think that I couldn't do it).

Here's my nails in January.

Left and right.  Not so long right?

And here's some attempt to make my nails look long and cute lols.

Mind you, this got me excited like I've unlocked an achievement.  They don't call me an achievement whore for nothing lols.

My current nails as today's date.

Left and right.  So, while we're growing our nails.  Lets try this groupon! Hee~  

And after going through all of that, I'd be wondering why I blogged about this and you'd be wondering why you wasted to much time going through this right?  This is me excited and blogging.  At least I'm not doing selfie post, YET!

Thank you for reading!

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