
Monday, August 25, 2014

Colourcoil Hasuu Tasuu 2014

Now, if you have been following my blog or you probably know me IRL (in real life), you would probably know me as a runner but all these years, I have always been a road runner.  I had that occasional hiking session with group of runners/friends in the past but never in my million years (exaggerate) would I ever register to run a race that involves trails.  Heck, for the past say 30 over years of my life, my first Mount Kinabalu climb was 2 years ago.  Even if I go Bukit Padang for hiking, I'd probably was doing that to prepare myself for Mount Kinabalu climb or just for fun.

I had this conversation with my running buddy last year, if I could remember correctly, if this did happen? (vaguely remembers) that, if, he runs/completed a full marathon, I would run trails for the first time.  I mean I had always wanted to do it but if I have doubts in my ability, I'd just drop the whole idea.  So, on 1st November of last year (2013), I registered myself to run the Hasuu Tasu 28km trail run (short for HTTR).  And of course in 2014, I was back on running full marathons, had my usual runkeeper training plan and injured while training (mentioned in earlier post).

If you ever decided to join next year, here's the info.: Sabah Adventure Challenge, here and be prepared for it! (I'm serious).

A little brief intro. about HTTR (according to the site).

The Colourcoil Hasuu Tasu Trail Run (HTTR) is an outdoor trail run.  This is a fun trail run with a distance of between 25km and 28km. The route has some steep and long inclines and both muddy, and uneven terrain. There is no shade on the race course and runners will need to ensure they come prepared for challenging conditions especially if it is a hot sunny day or a wet, rainy day.
This race course is designed for the novice trail runner who wants to experince a bit of what ultra trail marathon runners go through on the toughest race course in Malaysia in the 55k and 100k category of the Colourcoil TMBT Ultra Trail Marathon.
A basic mandatory kit is required for each runner though the kit has been kept simple and basic for all runners.
It was held on 17th August 2014.  Start location at Kundasang and finish point at Kg. Kibbas, Ranau.  But route was changed due to weather condition.  Changed to start location at Bundu Tuhan and finish point at Perkasa Hotel.  Distance was around 23.5km.  Registration fee was RM80 and the HTTR shirt for RM49.90.

Mandatory kit:
  1. Whistle (I actually forgot to bring, it was on my computer table).
  2. 1.5L - 2L of Hydration bladder or bottles (my hydration bladder is a 2L one and I had an extra 500ml soft flask but I left that one in my room).
  3. Mobile phone (don't forgot to put it in sealed plastic bag to protect from rain or water).
  4. Sun cap (in this case, I had my buff and running cap but didn't use cap).
  5. Sunblock/sunscreen (I had this in my hydration bag but couldn't be bothered to apply since it was cooling, little did I know, a bit of sunshine upon you could give you sunburn, never learn from lesson, every freaking time).
  6. Compass (I had this with me but didn't use it, the route is pretty straightforward with markers).
  7. Re-hydration salts (didn't manage to get this, sold out, serves u right for preparing it last minute, but then again, I never take em before).
  8. Energy bars/gels (I had 5 Powerbar energy gels and 1 bar, ate 4 gels only).
  9. Tracking pole/hiking sticks (this seriously helped, thanks to my pacer keep reminding and scolding me to bring it, saved me from the dreaded hill).
  10. Sunglasses (running sunglasses are so expensive, I'm gonna save up for this maybe for the future).
  11. Buff scarf (yes! I had this on all the time, purchased it for RM79 I think from Quick-Sport, super love!).
  12. Rain jacket/wind jacket (I brought along with me 2 windbreaker and 1 raincoat but during race day, I brought one of my thicker windbreaker.  But, during the last 5km when it was heavy raining, I couldn't be bothered to take it out).
  13. Basic medical kit (I brought panadol and pochai pills).
  14. Heat spray (Salonpas spray!!! Life saver!).
  15. Long tights (Got it from 2ndskin for RM169.90 been training with it to get used to wearing long tights, I'm actually the type of person who doesn't like to wear long pants anymore lol).
Wow that's a lot.

I have never own a trail running shoe (I have plenty of road shoe) before and looking for one here in KK is somewhat frustrating.  Was planning to get a New Balance 1010v2 shoe but it's not available, instead opt for Brooks Cascadia 9.  Went to Performance Sportz but they ran out my size, instead went to the New Balance shop (disappointed cause they don't have any new stock for New Balance shoes) but was happy that they have the Brooks Cascadia 9 that I wanted for 10% off (only).  Expensive shoe is expensive.  I actually took 1 size smaller than my usual shoe size cause it was too loose.  My foot length measured around 25cm (longest) and I always end up not getting a shoe cause my foot length falls in between a particular shoe size.  I wish there were more shoe choices in KK.  I always end up ordering from US site.  Sad.

Tested the shoe for few times, maximum 2 hours training and it's pretty okay except for the occasional toe pain from breaking when running down the hill.  Yes yes, I know I should have gotten the bigger size.  Stubborn.

My kraftfit tights is also new.  Tested few sessions too.  Felt good in comparison with my asics tights (I can't breathe).
I had a lot of last minute preparation I think cause I was getting lazy.  Sleep depriving all the time.

Anyways, had lunch with my running buddies, collected my race pack on Friday at Pacific Sutera Harbour, it rained heavily. 

Went to my friend's house for dinner and rushed to class by 7:15pm.

Finished class at 9pm, went back to friend's house after that and stayed for quite a bit.

Cut story short. I end up not sleeping and the next day went to friend's house for gate crashing cause I'm one of the jimui.
Mind you, I haven't even pack to leave for Kundasang.  I reached home around past 10:30am, stuffed all the item inside my bag and waited for my buddy to pick me up.  We left for Kundasang at slightly past 11am or was it 11:30am?  Hmm. 

Stayed at Kiram's Village at RM90/night (check in: 2pm checked out the next day same time).  

Was planning for a warm up session towards Mesilau but it rained, heavily.

Some of the photos I manage to snap slightly after.

I had dinner and fell asleep at 8pm till the phone message woke me up.  But I manage to go back to sleep for few hours after that.  Frigging cold!  It was probably 18 degrees that night or maybe lower.  Shivers.

Woke up at 3am to prepare my running gear and waited for Rizwan cause we're leaving for Kundasang town and via shuttle bus to Bundu Tuhan.

Photo credits: Afra

Waiting for the bus.  Meanwhile, lets take photo.

Photo credits: Benazir

Bus was late, had a flat it seems.  The organizers hired local transportation to starting point.  Yay.

Photo credits: Mohammad Noh

Took group photo with KK runners before race.  Briefing by race director, a lot of familiar faces.  Some did 50km the day before and 23.5km (you crazy people! jelly legs!).  Race suppose to start at 7:30am but delayed to 7:45am.  We were reminded to be careful when running down as the road might be slippery from rain/mist.

Photo credits: Ida

Started with a crowd, run down with my pacer.  Hahaha still can smile even though it felt like running almost 45 degrees downhill (it's like taking an arrow to the knee, except in my case, to my toe, I break a lot when I run down).  Show and easy.  Does not wanna injure my leg by running downhill too fast.

 Photo credits: Erwan

I was running 500 metres behind my pacer for a bit and tried to keep up.  But I think he has the advantage of long legs and injury free in comparison to me.  After awhile, I told him to move ahead without me.  I do not like to slow people down.  I am competitive but I also know my limits hee~

 Photo credits: Ida

I dreaded going uphill.  It is like my oxygen got cut to 20% (exaggerate! okay maybe not that bad la~ but you know what I mean).  Cross path the race director after the dreaded hill climb, you can't imagine how happy I was when I heard he was telling runners that it is downhill afterwards.  Love going downhill.  "I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!"

Photo credits: Ida

I ran down most of this part, need to be careful not to fall. 

Photo credits: Ida

First water station!  WS 25-1 Pahu Hall.  This is where I met Evan.  Took some photos here.  This was at about less than 11km.  I brought along 5 energy gels but took it at every an hour.  Manage to take up to 4 only.  I thought of going side by side with Evan but omg woman! Crazy fast wei!

And we go up again.  Dreading.  Thank god for hiking pole (I got lectured by my pacer so many times cause I refuse to bring it).  I was all alone most of the time.  I was chanting most of the time when I am alone.  "PAIN IS TEMPORARY!

There's this one part where we had to run down, it felt forever, I manage to make new friends along the way, mostly guys lol, where are all the girls?!

Went through a challenging hill hike in a jungle at 17km.  I cross path with Adi while going up but I was having a hard time to breathe that I end up stopping every now and then.  Had to cross a minor stream before going down to a village where my toes started to curled up (CRAMP CRAMP CRAMP!!!), decided to just push it till it goes back to normal but that made it slightly worst, I could feel my veins gonna burst.  Actually my veins were popping out and I almost couldn't walk.  I felt like giving up at that moment.  I stopped and massage it a bit, bareable pain and just push.  Thank god for high pain tolerance.

Photo credits: Ida

Move ahead with few people.  Had to stop to spray cause I got agitated with the strain from my pelvic to my foot, only left side.  Felt slightly better after spray. 

Final 5km, it rained heavily.  I couldn't be bothered to pull out my windbreaker.  I was pushing myself to run at every downhill or flat road and just hike up without stopping if it's going uphill.  3.5km left after the final check point. 

So near yet so far.  I started running as fast as I could to the finish line which is at Perkasa Hotel when I saw a familiar view.

Targeted completion time (with my current injury and with the distance), probably within 5 hours (according to training at Bukit Padang, me and my pacer did 11km for 2 hours 15 minutes, rough estimation).  And so I did.  Arrived at 4 hours 56 sec.  Yay!  Of course I could have done better if I were in 100% top condition hee~

 Photo credit: Peterson

Soaked!!!  Got my medal and finisher tee.  Super love finisher tee of the breast cancer awareness.  Went to look for my pacer and had complimentary buffet lunch. 

Here's the route map according to my garmin.  Some part my gps MIA I think.

Achievement unlocked!  This medal is so nice!

Placed 54 in my category.

Group photo with Roti Masin peeps before headed home.  Congrats everyone for completing the race!

Had to walk/run down to Kundasang town cause pacer's car parked there.  Oh my legs!  *sweat.

Pick our stuff and left from Kiram's Village at around 2pm.  Yeap, no shower, I was still wearing wet clothes. 

Total respect to my pacer for driving us back.  I'm not sure if it's the pressure but the veins of my left leg felt like it's gonna burst.  I was in so much pain.  Oh yeah, not forgetting sunburned a bit.  The sun lies!

Arrived home at 4pm hahaha I couldn't walk properly, was dragging my legs.  I almost didn't wanna go to friend's wedding reception at 6:30pm.  Soaked my legs in warm salt water and showered in warm water.  I didn't even have time to rest properly.  Rained heavily.  But I manage to go with all those soreness and in heels.  Thank god sis friend drove me there.

Had a blast at Jna and Max's wedding reception!  Went for yamchar after that  Glad I went.  I was down with fever the next day lols! Thigh sore, slept whole day and got pampered by my siblings yay~

It was a tired and fun weekend! :)

Last race for year 2014.  Thanks for reading!