
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

[Running] Tiens Health Charity Run 10km 2014

Initially I thought I was gonna be on a complete standstill with running after the Hasuu Tasu 28km Trail Run last August.  This is due to the injury I had since last Feb this year which after misc checking and scanning at the hospital, they finally found the source of my injury.  I have a minor tear at my back, both my lower disc are drained according to the MRI.  May need operation but since I am somewhat on the road to recovery (from the testimonial and treatment I am getting at the hospital), I am somewhat okay, as long as my nerves do not touch certain area on my back and as long as I do not feel any numbness around my legs or hips, I am good.  I should ease up on the running but as per doctor advice, I could run a slower pace, gradually increase my speed with some core strengthening exercise.  I have been on a lighter running regime, 5-7km 3-4 times a week depending on my mood and how I feel on a certain day.  Somehow this injury makes me cranky, frustrated and depressed on certain days and I tend to shut down from everything and just sleep on occasion.

No worries, as long as I do not overdo workout or over push during runs, I am okay. 

But...being me, I cannot help myself.  I love to run.  So, last September, I went and register for Tiens Health Charity Run.  10km only mar.  No biggie.  And you think I would just do an easy run/walk?  Here's the thing about me.  I hate walking.  Walking drives me nuts on a training day.  Not unless it's a walk in the city that I never been, that's a different story.  But yeah.  In an event/race, I would run, unless I can't lift my leg, then that's a different story.  Registration for early bird for this event was RM35 but since I paid via PayPal, my card got charge at almost RM40 lol!  So you thought I would just light jog my way till the finishing line.  Nope, I actually have a target to PB my previous record which is at 58 mins for 10km.  Trained 4 times a week and all I feel is sore and pain on my back.  Only when I run below 6 mins pace for too long, my back starts to act up.  I know for a fact that I could not break my PB but I just have to wing it during the day of the event hee~

Collected the race pack a week before the run at Performance Sportz.

I got it all planned out.  I am just gonna maintain an average of 6:30 mins/pace.  I thought to myself.  Nope.

4-5 days before the event.  A friend posted that she would not be doing her PB but she will be running a below sub 60 mins and who's willing to join her are welcome.  Guess who decided to join in?  Yeap!

On top of that, I jokingly suggest to wear pink tutu to make her stand out.  One thing lead to the other, we (4 of us) decided to make the tutu ourselves with the help of DIY no sew tutu video on YouTube.

I went to Segama after work on Friday to look for the colors that I want.  I went to 6 shops till I finally decided to purchase.  Just cause I wanted hot pink.  I notice there's a difference in price range and material.  I couldn't find tulle.  Net material works in this case.  You could also use Organza.  Anyways, price range from RM2.30 per meter at Starlight Textiles to RM8.90 per meter at Kain Mewah.  There's an obvious 3 kinds, might be more net material available around town.  I have yet to explore the other shop.  But yeah from the rough kinds to the soft kinds.  Soft smaller holes kind are more expensive.

My friends have 1 or 2 color for their tutu while I had 6 cause I got greedy.  These net material cost me RM4.20 per meter but I got RM1 discount.  So that would be RM24 for the net materials.  RM2.20 for the 1" elastic band (black or white), also per meter.  You could also use ribbon to replace the elastic bands.

Since I got language class on Friday, I only started my DIY project after 9:30pm.  I got too excited and started with measuring the elastic band onto myself and sew it on spot, cut the extras and start cutting the net into a roughly 9cm width and divided into half after that.  I manage to do quarter of this till 2am cause I had to go to sleep and run the next day.  Woke up at 4:30am snoozed till 5am went running at 6am, ran 6:44km slow, went home and started doing it again.  So yeah, roughly it took me about 7 hours in total just to complete the tutu.  6 meters of it are all used up.  I had to readjust my elastic band cause making it close to each other, pulled the band somehow makes it becomes loose.  When I'm done, it's almost lunch time but I was satisfied. 

On race day.  Decided to meet up with the "teammates" at the parking area and make our way (in a group) to the starting line.  The event starts at 6:30am.  We start somewhere in the middle and followed Milly's pace (in blue tutu).  The plan is to maintain 5:50mins/pace.  We though stopped at the first water station cause some of our friends were volunteering there and we were excited to show off our tutus.  Manage to wefie before we continue our run.  It was funny and fun.

7km in, I got a bit tired and decided to fall back a bit with maintaining pace.  I ran slower at an average of 6:30mins/pace.  I nearly wanna stop.  Thankfully, Erwan (the one in green tutu) paced me so I was good till the finishing line.  Finished at 1h05mins though.  Didn't know that I actually could get a placement in my category but I only manage to place no. 12.  Good enough. 

Tons of photo snapping but the most exciting thing is lucky draw!  Bicycle! RAWR! YUNO pick my number?  Thanks to organizers, volunteers, friends etc etc for making this run a memorable and fun run.  Look at my medal.  Hey~ 1st 10km running medal lol.

Oh well, didn't win anything but went home happy.  Best run ever.  Though my back wasn't happy after lols.  I was curling the whole day.  So, what's my next run?  Next year!  Nike Run KL! Woot?  Who's going?  See ya guys there! :)


  1. hiya Mas,

    great to see you back running on the road again, i was actually standing beside your gang at the finishing line but i was too shy to walk up and say hello to you... lol

    1hr05 ain't a bad result so you should be proud of yourself, as for me i managed to PB my 10km again to 54min as you know the route was a bit over distance so i guess i crossed the line around 56min or somewhere around that... don't worry about your 58min PB time, i'm sure somewhere in the near future you will be able to improve on it, but for now, just make sure you get urself back on track from your injury.

    1. What? U should have, ahhh, I would if I know it was u. Nvm, next time just say hi hehe :) Congrats on your PB, a bunch of people I know was doing their PB too. Yeah, it was slightly over 10km. I think mine clocked around 10.37km. Trying to strengthen my body hopefully can get back stronger. When is your next race? Thanks for reading my post :)

    2. hahaha... ok ok next time i'll say hi.. my next race ah.. ehh, i've registered for the UMS eco campus run on 16th Nov, if you can call tat a race? wahahaha.. apart from that i've not registered for any race.. unless something pop up suddenly like the Tiens Health Charity run so most likely my next race will be in 2015? i guess... :p i'm trying to train for my first FM at BIM2015, but i've not registered for it yet i'll see how the training goes first until December before i decide whether i'll upgrade to FM or not.. so i see you have registered yourself for the Nike run KL, i believe it was upgraded to HM distance next year right? i'm sure u will enjoy the run... aim for your HM PB!!! :p

    3. HAHAHAHAH, I'll call UMS eco campus run not a marathon lol. Short distance only kan. On another note, go for it! I mean FM for BIM2015, i can suggest you to use the training program on runkeeper. It's free. I usually just use that and it helps. Just that I tend to overspeed (thinking I can do a faster pace) every time hahaha. Ambitious! Yes! I got so excited, so hard to register for these kinda race. KOTR is also in my list of race that I wanted to run. I have yet to register for BIM2015 but I think I might be running HM next year, if my back doesn't fail me.

      Hope by Feb my back fully healed XD
