
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

[Running] X3 Challenge - Night Run 21

Now, for starters, actually don't know what I was thinking when I registered.  Okay maybe I do and wasn't satisfied with my BIM HM timing but you know how when you run so often that whenever there's a race, you tend to register on impulse?  I think that was the case.  So I did, exactly on the closing date which was on the 7th May 2015.  Registration fee was RM100 for normal fee, cheaper for early bird.  I thought my registration didn't get through but surprisingly it did.  And I got the confirmation in an instant.  Anyways, before I forgot to mention, this race is organized by AsiaXtreme.  This particular race, the X3 Challenge is a 3 day event, with a marathon (in this case, a half marathon) on the first day, a duathlon on the second day and triathlon on the third day.  Mind you, I have been getting some bad reviews about race organized by this organizer but I am still optimistic.  You won't know unless you experience it right?

Training was as usual, but instead of hiking, I would just run loops at Bukit Padang.  But I'm not always in a good condition to run.  My back pain occasionally will come back to taunt me.  I also thought I would just do long runs one the weekends but my car decides to fail on me a couple of times.  In this case, 3 times.  So, even if I did manage to run, I still think it's not a good enough training. 

Saw the facebook notification about confirmation letter by end of May and got that too.  Some were complaining not getting it, also received the e-briefing 3 days after.  I realized the start time was changed to 9pm instead of 8pm.  I had to skip my Friday class for this run.  June came and heard it became a 2 days event instead, Triathlon category not enough competitors.  Okay, no matter.  It was time for race pack collection, which was on the 3rd - 5th June at a certain given hours at Nexus Karambunai, Main Ballroom.  Mind you, I've been to Nexus Karambunai before and it's like probably 20 minutes away from home but, that was like more than 10 years ago.  On the 3rd, I see some friends commented about handwritten bib, shirt size and probably limited quantity for medals.  Some friends were refunded cause their name wasn't in the list.  Okay.  Should I start to panic?  I wanted to collect on the first day but I got class and going from my place to class would be a bad idea coming back from Karambunai, heavy traffic area.  So I thought I'll go the next day after my runs in the evening but though might as well collect it during lunch hour so I don't need to be stuck in traffic and rush.  Why does 20 minutes felt so long?  I thought, it was a warm day, okay more like sweating buckets, I look unpleasant sweating in my dress.  Arrived at Nexus Karambunai exactly at 12 noon, didn't know where the Main Ballroom was and went for a long walk.  I didn't know I actually could park exactly in near the Main Ballroom but I parked around the Main Entrance area.  First thought, am I the only one here?  The only direction marker I saw at the entrance to Main Ballroom. 
I went in, showed my confirmation slip, got my chip checked and that's it.  I didn't see anyone I know.  I felt so lonely lol.  First thing I did was check the shirt size.  And posted this on instagram. 
To my horror, on the way back, my car starts to break down.  I seriously thought I had a flat tyre, "Again?".  That awkward moment when you have to bend in a dress, wind doesn't help.  Checked all my tyres no flats, wth is wrong?  Am just gonna drive, I don't know how many times I had to stop to check.  It was getting on my nerves.  I somehow managed to drive to Indah Permai till the sound from under my car got really loud, sounded like a metal dragging sound.  I called a friend to help me with it.  I was waiting in my car for an hour, thank god I tapau-ed my lunch, if not, I'd be starving.  Friend came and check, found the problem, and drove to his workshop.  It's the slowest I've driven in my entire life.  I feel like dying in my car.  So I was carless for a day.  Cries.

Dad picked me up from the workshop and I was home all day.  Race pack.

Nice design but cutting for size XS was too short for my liking.  This is how I looked like wearing it.

Nice back design though.  Should have gotten a bigger size.  The back design is the past and upcoming race organized by Asia Xtreme.  If you join all the races, the medals will connect as per the back design.  
Luckily for me though, my friend was nice enough to pick me up for a movie hee.  

Got my car back on Friday morning (thank you Junior, ko la harapan nusa dan bangsa), went to work, went home, had 2 half boiled eggs for dinner and off I go.  Left at 7pm, reached Nexus Karambunai around nearly 8pm.  Had to park outside Nexus compound and walk to the starting point which is at the parking area.

Wow, not many people.  Saw some familiar faces.  My initial positive vibe is somewhat gone.  I was contemplating and wasn't too sure about running my best.  Didn't know what to expect. I brought, a blinker but kept it in my pouch cause I end up getting dizzy looking at it cause I clipped it on my pouch.   Brought the headlamp but left it in the car, I though brought with me my Salomon 500ml soft flask and 2 hammer gel.

At 9pm the race starts.  We made our way exiting Nexus Karambunai ran for few km before made a u-turn (thanks Erwan and Siti for cheering), went straight to the lagoon area, this part is almost total darkness.   I didn't realize that I went too fast, I was separated from the Roti Masin geng but thankfully I had Romy behind me to light my way, that was a 5km stretch before u-turning back the same road, with people cheering and calling my name.  Gosh, it was so dark,  I couldn't tell who was calling me.  By 8km, my back started straining to my neck, this is the part where I slowed down.   Was getting side stitch, I wonder if it was the heat am feeling.  I mean it wasn't that hot but I felt agitated.  They have a fair amount of water and energy drink.  

We made a right turn heading to the beach.   It was a 800m beach run in the dark.  In this case, I had Ndutt lighting my way.  That was challenging.   After all that, we were back to the starting line and made another loop.  This part, I was in total darkness.   I had people cheering for me, but I was struggling.  I think I used up a lot of energy at the beach.  I think I consumed tripple the amount of water than I usually would and I was soaking wet.  I nearly took off my clothes.

That horrible moment when you accidentally swallowed an insect.  I choked.  Almost swallow 2, demmit.  I had a lot of mosquito bites.  By the time I reach the finish line, I realized I only recorded 19.64km.  Got my finisher medal.

Everyone gets the same medal.  Finisher "Race Different".  Sure, different category, 10km, 21km, duathlon, triathlon, everyone gets the same medal.  Yeap.

Group pictar!  Thanks Jumat for the photo.

By midnight, left for home.  I actually reached home and slept on the floor for few minutes before I went to shower and to bed.  Overall it was a good race, it could be better, probably instead of loop, make it a bigger loop, looping the same route twice is so boring.  That beach run was challengingly fun for me, I get to work my legs more.  The shirt sizing probably needs some improvements in that.  It's a pity I couldn't wear the shirt to race that day.  That's one nice looking shirt but too short, I might have to add a bit more cloth on it before I actually wear it running.

P/S: I hope this post isn't as boring cause it's full of text.  I wasn't in the mood to snap photos on race day, sorry.

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